The producers and distributors of new vehicles enjoyed significantly improved trading results in August 2011. Domestic sales were up to 51 436 from 45 686 units sold in July 2011. On a seasonally adjusted basis this represented an impressive increase of 5 471 units in the latest month after flat to declining sales on a seasonally adjusted recorded after March 2011. This recovery, if sustained, would see monthly sales of between 46 000 and 48 000 units to August 2012. This would be regarded as a very satisfactory outcome for the largest contributor to manufacturing output in SA.

The recovery in August 2011 sales arrested but did not reverse the declining growth trend that became apparent earlier this year.
Sales to businesses, including passenger car sales to rental car companies, new light commercial vehicles, bakkies and minibuses, were particularly strong, while sales of medium and heavy trucks were especially buoyant in August. Export sales of 24 835 units were recorded in August which must also be regarded as satisfactory given uncertainties about the sate of the global economy.
Vehicle sales thus continue to be one of the SA economy’s brighter spots. That growth in demand seems now to be coming more from the investment decisions made by businesses is very welcome given the weakness to date in the willingness of the private sector to add capacity.