Inflation and balanced growth – taking the market seriously

The bond market indicates that inflation is expected to stay below 2% per annum over the next ten years in the US. And the Fed is confidently expected not to raise short term rates this year.

Are such views consistent with a very buoyant labour market? Unemployment rates are below 4% while average earnings are rising at about 3% p.a. Some believe this portends more inflation and higher interest rates that will confound the market consensus.



U.S. Unemployment rate and growth in earnings


Source; Fred- Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis and Investec Wealth and Investment

Do changes in prices lead or follow changes in wage rates in the US? The economic reality is that they both follow and lead with variable lags. The markets for goods and the markets for labour have the general state of the economy in common. The wages and prices that emerge depend upon how rapidly the demand for and the supply of all goods, services and labour are growing. Higher or lower prices, wages and asset valuations have their causes and in turn will have effects on the willingness to buy or sell. And might not higher real wages in the US soon reduce the demand for labour and employment – as they have done in SA?

The prices of goods and services are not simply determined by adding a constant percentage point to the cost of producing them. The state of the economy (demand) and the competition to supply customers (including from abroad) will determine how much margin over costs finds its way into the prices a firm will charge. It is this mix of demand pull and cost push and pressures on margin that determines prices.

Another force common to both is the increase in prices and wages expected in the future. The faster they are expected to increase the more workers and firms and investors will wish to charge upfront for their services.

The Phillips curve predicts that decreases in the unemployment rate (increases in the demand for labour) will cause wages to rise faster. Keynesian economists invoked this theory in the sixties to argue that more employment could be traded of for more inflation that comes with higher wages. The idea was that workers, unwilling to accept the wage cuts that might have restored full employment, might be fooled into accepting lower real wages by inflation.

The theory has had very poor powers of prediction- particularly in the high inflation and slow growth seventies. It became a case of more inflation and slower growth and still is. Firms and workers and the unions that negotiate for them have every reason to build inflation into their wage and price settings. Therefore only inflation surprises therefore can have real effects on the economy- not inflation itself.

And the market place is not easily surprised. Their inflation forecasts, using very similar methods, are as likely to be accurate or rather as inaccurate as those of the central banks. There is no good reason to believe that any wage plus theory of inflation will beat the market view on inflation today.

Central bankers have long recognized that there was no output or employment benefit to be gained from tolerating more inflation. Only unexpectedly higher inflation might stimulate more output- but the ability of monetary policy to helpfully surprise the market is very limited.  Central bankers now judge it better to avoid inflation surprises in both directions.  Better they  believe to offer the market place a highly predictable and low rate of inflation in the interest of balanced and permanently higher growth rates- as does the SA Reserve Bank.

Yet balanced growth demands more flexibility than the SA Reserve Bank has demonstrated. The flexibility to recognize that powerful and possibly frequent supply side shocks to inflation – exchange rate, oil price and food price shocks – do not call for higher interest rates. Central banks can hope to stabilize aggregate demand – supply management is beyond their compass.  And the market place is fully capable of recognizing the difference. Inflationary expectations are also rational.

The market rules OK?


December 5, 2018

The global financial markets are reacting to two forces at work. About what Fed Chairman Powell might do to the US economy with interest rates and what President Trump might do to the Chinese economy with tariffs.

Interest rates set by the Fed might or might not prove helpful for the US economy. Given its unknown future path. It is not Potus but market forces that are restraining interest rate increases in the US. The absence of which is helpful to share prices- all else, expectations of earnings growth for example, remaining unchanged.

It is the US bond market itself that has eliminated any rational basis for the Fed to raise short term interest rates. Should the Fed pursue any aggressive intent with its own lending and borrowing rates, interest rates in the US market place, beyond the very shortest rates, are very likely to fall rather than rise.

Hence the cost of funding US corporations that typically borrow at fixed rates for three or more years and the cost of funding a home that is mostly fixed for twenty years or more, would likely fall rather than rise. And so make credit cheaper rather than more expensive.


The term structure of interest rates in the US has become ever flatter over the past few months. The difference between ten-year and two-year interest rates offered by the US Treasury has narrowed sharply. Ten year loans now yield only fractionally more (0.13% p.a) than two year loans. (See figure below)


Fig.1: Interest rates in the US and the spread between ten year and two year Treasury Bond yields


Source; Bloomberg and Investec Wealth and Investmment

This difference in the cost of a short term and long term loan could easily turn negative- that is longer term interest rates falling below short rates should the Fed persist with raising its rates. Which it is unlikely to do beyond the 0.25% increase widely expected in December for term structure reasns.

The US capital market is not expecting interest rates to rise from current levels in the future. Given the opportunity to borrow or lend for shorter or longer periods at pre-determined fixed rates, the longer term rate will be the average of the short rates expected over the longer period. Lending for two years at a fixed rate must be expected to return as much as would a one year loan- renegotiated for a further year at prevailing rates. Otherwise money would move from the longer to the shorter end of the yield curve or vice versa to remove any expected benefit or cost.

By interpolation of the US treasury yield curve, the interest rate expected to be paid or earned in the US for a one year loan in five years time, has stabilized at about 3.2% p.a. or only about 0.5% p.a more than the current one year rate. These modest expectations should be comforting to investors. They are not expectations with which the Fed can easily argue- for fear of sending interest rates lower not higher.


Fig.2; US One year rates expected in five years


The market believes that interest rates will not move much higher because market forces will not act that way. Increased demands for loans at current interest rates – are not expected to materialize. They are considered unlikely because real growth in the US  is not expected to gain further momentum and is more likely to slow down from its recent peak rate of growth. Furthermore, given the outlook for real growth, inflation is unlikely to pick up momentum. For which lenders would demand upfront compensation in the form of higher yields.

The market of course might change its collective mind – redirecting the yield curve steeper or shallower. And in turn giving the Fed more or less reason to intervene helpfully. Interest rate settings should not unsettle the market place. They are very likely to be pro-cyclical

But the more important known unknown for the market will be Donald Trump and his economic relationship with the rest of the world. Perhaps Trump himself can also be helpfully constrained by the market place. The approval of the market place can surely help his re-election prospects.

Retailers give thanks for Black Friday — and all of December

As published in the Business Day on 23 November 2018:–and-all-of-december/

It was Thanksgiving in the US on Thursday,  a truly interdenominational holiday when Americans of all beliefs, secular and religious, give thanks for being American, as well they should.

This is a particularly important week for US retailers. They do not need to be reminded of the competitive forces that threaten their established ways of doing business. Nor do investors who puzzle over the business models that can bring retail success or failure.

The day after Thanksgiving is known as Black Friday, when sales and the profit margins on them will hopefully turn their cumulative bottom lines from red to black. It has been Black Friday all week and month and advertised to extend well into December. Presumably, to bring sales forward and make retailers less dependent on the last few trading days of the year.

As we all know, competition has become increasingly internet- based from distributors of product near and far and yet only a day or two away. E-commerce sales have grown by over three times since 2010, while total retail sales including e-commerce transaction are up by half since 2010. Total US retail sales, excluding food services, are currently more than $440bn and e-commerce sales are over $120bn. The growth in e-commerce sales appears to have stabilised at about 10% per annum.

Retail sales of all kinds have been growing strongly, though the growth cycle may have peaked. As may GDP growth, leading perhaps to a more cautious Fed. How slowly growth rates will fall off the peak is the essential question for the Fed, as well as Fed watchers, and answers to which are moving the stock and bond markets.

The importance of online trade is conspicuous in the flow of cardboard boxes of all sizes that overflow the parcel room of our apartment building, including boxes of fresh food from neighbouring supermarkets.

The neighbourhood stores of all kinds are under huge threat from the distant competition, which competes on highly transparent prices on easily searched for goods on offer, as well as convenient delivery. As much is obvious from the many retail premises on ground level now standing vacant on the affluent upper East side of New York. The conveniently located service establishments survive, even flourish, while local clothing stores go out of business because they lack the scale (and traffic, both real and on the web) to make a credible offering.

But spare a thought for SA retailers, for whom sales volumes in December are much more important than they are for US retailers. November sales for US retailers — helped by Thanksgiving promotions — are significantly more buoyant than December volumes. According to my calculations of seasonal effects since 2010, US retail sales in December are now running at only 90% of the average month, while November sales are well above average at 116% of the average month.

However, retail sales statistics in the US include motor vehicle and fuel sales, which are excluded from the SA stats. December sales in SA are as much as 137% above the average month, help as they are by summer holiday business, as well as Christmas gifts.

In-the-black Friday for SA retailers thus comes later than it does in the US, and perhaps makes the case for adding promotions in November to smooth the sales cycle and reduce the stress of running a retail business. Retailers will also hope the Reserve Bank is not the Grinch who spoils Christmas.

Unemployment in SA – wishful thinking does not solve the problem

The recent labour force survey of some 30,000 households by Stats SA confirmed the baleful state of the labour market. That is the ever growing mismatch between supply and demand for workers in SA. In the third quarter the supply of potential workers increased, by 153,000 or 0.4% and much faster than the demand for them that increased by 92,000 to 16.4m. The numbers defined as unemployed, not working but actively looking for work, increased by 127,000 to 6.2m pushing the unemployment rate up to 27.5% of the potential work force.

But not all the news from the employment front was bad – depending on your perspective. While the formal sector continued to shed jobs, the informal sector was adding them at a rapid rate. In Q3 informal employment outside of agriculture rose by 188,000 and by 327,000 or 12.2% over the past year to over 3m workers employed informally, or over 18% of all employed.

The decline in formal and the increase in informal employment is not a coincidence. Formal employment has been subject to a rising tide of intervention by government and trade unions (with more to come soon in the form of a national minimum wage) These have provided those in jobs with consistently improved wages and other valuable employment benefits and security to a degree against dismissal and compensation for retrenchment. The informal sector’s employers and workers largely escape these constraints on the freedom to offer and supply employment opportunities. If formal employment – decent jobs as they are described – are unattainable – the choice may be only informal employment or not working or earning much less. A Hobson’s choice that many more South Africans are exercising.

It should be well appreciated that while formal employment, outside the public sector, has stagnated, the share of employment costs in total value added by private business has not fallen. The bill for employment benefits in real terms has gone up in real terms as have employment benefits for those in work, even as the numbers employed have gone down. ( see figures below)

Non-Financial Corporations – Share of Value Added. Operating Surplus and Compensation of Employees




Source. SA Reserve Bank and Investec Wealth and Investment.



Real Value Added by Non-Financial Corporations (1995=100) Using household consumption deflator


Source. SA Reserve Bank and Investec Wealth and Investment.


Non-financial corporations – Growth in Real Value Added and Real Compensation (using household consumption deflator)


Source. SA Reserve Bank and Investec Wealth and Investment.

If the wage bill in any sector of the economy goes up faster than the decline in union membership (as it has been doing) the pool of income upon which to draw union dues is deeper, not shallower. Strikes that increase employment benefits at the expense of employment are therefore not irrational from the perspective of union leaders -if wages increase at a faster rate than employment declines.

The jobs summit would have been better described as the “Decent Jobs Summit” for which the heralded Landmark Framework Agreement is but a wish list of all and everything that can be imagined to promote the demand for labour.   A plan however that gives no consideration to the possibility that the rising cost of hiring labour and the more onerous conditions imposed on its hire, may  have something to do with the disappointing volume of employment provided.

Everybody will agree that decent jobs for all able and willing to work is to be wished for. And to hope that economic growth can make it possible – as has largely true of employment conditions in the developed world. But the irresistible truth is that far too few South Africans have the skills, the qualifications or experience to allow them to be employed on decent terms- by inevitably cost conscious employers .

And the soon to be imposed National Minimum Wage (NMW) of R3500 per month or R20 per day will make it even more difficult to find employment outside of the informal sector. Because these minimums are well above what many in employment currently earn. And despite the fact that of the poorest in SA the apparent beneficiaries, a very small proportion are currently employed.

For all the many (including economists who should be trained to know better) to wish wages higher and poverty away it has been convenient to ignore the findings of the one comprehensive and highly relevant study. That is the very thorough study by Haroon Bhorat and colleagues of the impact of higher minimums etc. on employment in SA agriculture introduced after 2003. The impact on employment- down 20% -and much improved wage benefits for those still employed – were correctly described by the analysts as significant. There is every reason to conclude that the impact of the NMW on employment will be as significantly and destructive for those who lose their jobs. And helpful for those who retain their jobs on improved terms. They will be even more carefully selected for the skills and strengths they bring to their tasks. The informal sector will have to come to the rescue of the larger numbers of unemployed workers while they wait impatiently for economic miracles.



The current state of the SA economy. Updating the Hard Number Indicator

In this report we update our hard number indicator of the current state of the SA economy to September 2018. Following that is the announcement of new vehicle sales by Naamsa and of its notes issued SA Reserve Bank (SARB) note issue. We attach equal weights to new vehicle sales and the note issue adjusted for consumer prices to establish our timely Hard Number Indicator (HNI) The demand for notes can be regarded as an indicator of spending intentions by households while new vehicles sold that include commercial vehicles of all sizes, may be regarded as an up to date indicator of capital formation by firms.

The HNI is compared to the SARB coinciding business cycle below. One that has only been updated to June 2018 making it of limited use as an indicator of the current state of the economy. Estimates of GDP itself in Q2 have been available since early September.  Ideally the coinciding indicator would serve as a leading indicator of the state of the economy – to be revealed in due course by updated GDP estimates. As may be seen the HNI is now trending higher at a slow pace, a pace similar to that of the Reserve Bank coinciding indicator to June 2018. A time series extrapolation of both indicators of the current state of the SA economy predicts similar growth rates of the order of 3% per annum over the next twelve months. (See figures 1 and 2 below) Such growth, if it materialized, would be well above consensus estimates of GDP growth in 2019.

Fig. 1; The Investec Hard Number Indicator (to September 2018) and the Reserve Bank Coinciding Business Cycle Indicator (to June 2018) (2015=100)


Source; Stats SA, SA Reserve Bank, Naamsa and Investec Wealth and Investment



Fig.2; Growth in the Hard Number Indicator and the Reserve Bank Business Cycle Indicator


Source; Stats SA, SA Reserve Bank, Naamsa and Investec Wealth and Investment


The SARB coinciding business cycle indicator (provided on a monthly basis) provides a good proxy for GDP, as may be seen below, when converted into a quarterly series to compare with quarterly estimates of GDP. A comparison of the cyclical indicator with the GDP estimates is made in figure 3 below. The Hard Number Indicator is intended to act as a leading indicator of both series and, as may be seen, has succeeded in doing so. The HNI turned lower in 2007- before the peak in the growth rates was reached in 2008, and turned higher in 2009 ahead of the recovery of the economy from the Global Financial Crisis. The HNI fell back relatively to the Reserve Bank indicator in 2016, because of a short lived downturn in new vehicle sales, but is now moving very much in line with the SARB cyclical indicator as is shown in figures 2 and 3.



Fig. 3; A comparison of GDP at constant prices with the Reserve Bank Coinciding Business Cycle Indicator


Source; Stats SA, SA Reserve Bank and Investec Wealth and Investment


The underlying components of the HNI are shown in figure 4 below. As may be seen the new vehicle cycle, having fallen away in 2016, recovered in 2017 and is now on a slightly positive growth trend. Current sales of new vehicles are running at an annual rate of 551,000 new units sold, a rate of sales that is forecast to rise modestly to an annual equivalent of 570,000 units in twelve months. The cash cycle, adjusted for inflation, is recovering consistently and is forecast to grow by about four per cent per annum in 2019. (See figure 4)


Fig.4; The components of the Hard Number Indicator. Smoothed annual growth rates


Source; Stats SA, SA Reserve Bank, Naamsa and Investec Wealth and Investment


The real cash cycle is benefitting from an increase in the demand for and supply of cash from the SARB that is now growing at a 7% annual rate and slightly lower inflation. We may hope for the sake of economic activity in SA that this growth rate continues to run ahead of inflation, as the time series forecast suggests it may. It is forecast to continue to grow at its current pace of about five per cent per annum. (See figure 5) The exchange rate and the global oil price, little influenced by what happens in SA, however will have a big say in how inflation turns out and so how stimulating an increase in the supply of cash will be.


Fig.5: Growth rates in real cash and consumer prices


Source; Stats SA, SA Reserve Bank and Investec Wealth and Investment


A striking feature of current price trends in SA is that price increases at retail level are running well below headline inflation and are forecast to remain so. (See figure 6 below)


Fig.6: Consumer and retail price inflation


Source; Stats SA, SA Reserve Bank and Investec Wealth and Investment

Clearly retailers and their suppliers have had very little pricing power and operating profit margins and remain under pressure given the weak growth in volumes of goods and services sold to households. No doubt the higher charges for petrol and diesel in the wake of a weaker rand and higher oil price in US dollars have contributed further to currently weak demand at retail level and may continue to do so.

The growth in the supply of cash – adjusted for inflation – has proved a very good predictor of retail spending in South Africa. The real cash cycle has consistently led the retail sales cycle as we show below. Though, as should also be noted, these trends parted company in late 2017. They continue to point in an opposite direction- with the cash cycle showing a pick up while retail sales volumes continue on a declining path. These opposing trends may well reverse, given no further shocks to the confidence of households in their income earning prospects- and subdued inflation. Hopefully too, higher interest rates will be avoided that could depress household demands further.


Fig. 7: The real cash and real retail sales volume cycles


Source; Stats SA, SA Reserve Bank and Investec Wealth and Investment


The indicators point to a positive rate of growth in spending and output over the next twelve months. Rand strength and lower interest rates and less inflation would help stimulate the economy further. Rand weakness will do the opposite. The outlook (hopefully an improving one) for emerging market economies and especially the Chinese economy could move emerging market exchange rates and the rand in a direction, helpful to household spending. Less political risk attached to investing in South African assets would be an additional source of stimulus.

8 10 9

Ramaphosa revealed- and an early test of policy resolve


The economic policy intentions announced by President Ramaphosa last night (26/09/2018) were encouraging if only because it made clear that the President fully understands the imperative of faster economic growth. As indeed he should. It was not obvious that his predecessor cared at all about growth. He had a very different agenda.

The economic diagnosis offered was apposite – for example, to quote the President ‘…Businesses are not struggling with lack of access to cash. It is due to lack of confidence and a dearth of viable investment opportunities that businesses have been reluctant to spend money on fixed capital. These obstacles require policy and regulatory action that provided clarity and raise efficiency …”   One might have added—or willing to add working capital that might have been applied to employing more people and improving their capabilities.

It is important to recognize how JSE listed companies have increased their dividend payments- cash paid out – relative to their after tax earnings in recent years – for want of investment opportunities that offered high enough – risk adjusted returns. Since 2011 dividends have grown 2.5 times while earnings have increased by only 1.6 times

JSE All Share Index Earnings and Dividends per Share (2011=100)


Source; Iress and Investec Wealth and Investment

The economy and the share market would have done much better had the cash flow been saved by the listed firms and invested by them in what in more normal times might have proved to be cost of capital beating investments. That is realized returns on capital invested that exceeded required returns of the order of 14% a year. With hind sight shareholders should be pleased that the firms invested as little as they did.  Since 2011 the JSE All Share Index, adjusted for inflation, has gained 21%, the real SA GDP is up a dismal 11% (equivalent to an average 1.4% p.a rate of growth, while real JSE earnings have not increased at all over this seven and a half years.

The real JSE compared to the real GDP (2011 =100)


Source; Iress, Stas SA  and Investec Wealth and Investment

Over recent years the expected returns of SA business have receded with the slower growth expected and realized while the risks to these expected returns have risen. As objectively reflected by the sovereign risk premium demanded of RSA dollar denominated debt. In the fast growth years between 2004 and 2008 (GDP growth averaged over 5% p.a. between 2004 and Q2 2008- ( not fast enough to keep Thabo Mmbeki in his job) the RSA risk premium for five year RSA dollar denominated debt averaged about 0.67% p.a. Since 2014 RSA the yield on SA dollar debt has had to offer on average an extra over 2% p.a on average compared to the yield offered by five year US Treasury Bonds. Put another way returns on an investment in SA assets now have to offer at least an extra 2% p.a in USD to appear worth making.

The South African sovereign risk premium


Source; Bloomberg and Investec Wealth and Investment

In the service of growth this risk premium has to be reduced, as the President appears to understand. He also appears to recognize that the risks to SA rise and fall with realized growth. The rating agencies remind us constantly of this – and as the currency debt and equity markets also do so. They reacted negatively in response to the disappointing latest GDP growth estimates for Q2 2018. Clearly capital flows in, in response to faster expected growth and out with slower growth expected.

With growth, more capital becomes available on better terms, to support the exchange value of the ZAR. A stronger rand therefore means less inflation, lower interest rates and so further support from the demand side of the economy for growth. A virtuous circle presents itself with growth encouraging policies. One of more growth expected with less inflation given rand strength. As opposed to slower growth- a weaker rand – and so more inflation accompanied by higher interest rates. This has been the vicious circle SA has been trapped in for many years now.

One can express the hope (though the President is well advised not to question the independence of the Reserve Bank nor its judgment) that the Bank fully understands the link between growth, inflation and the exchange rate – over which it has such minimal influence anyway. Three unnamed members of its monetary policy committee (happily not a majority) voted for higher short term interest rates at its meeting last week. With demand as depressed as it is and inflation, outside of regulated prices as low as it is, given the very limited pricing power of firms, one can only wonder at the logic that called for even less demand – that inevitably follows higher interest rates. Perhaps it is the theoretical notion that more inflation expected leads to more inflation- regardless of the state of demand. For which there is no evidence.

South Africa is suffering from both a lack of supply and a want of demand. Fixing the demand side would simply take lower interest rates. Stimulating more demand would also soon bring faster growth now and less – not more inflation. Fixing the supply side of the economy will take longer but would permanently raise the growth potential of the economy.

Our economy could also do with a bit of luck that has been absent since the end of the metal and mineral price super cycle that lasted beyond the Global Financial Crisis of 2008- and only ended in 2011. The SA mining price deflator, converted into US dollars increased by 2.5 times between 2004 and 2011. Prices in USD in early 2016 were about 40 per cent off the 2011 peak, before they turned up again- slowly.  Stronger metal prices in USD and more favourable economic trends in Emerging Markets generally would do much to help the rand and the SA economy. These are however global forces over which we have no influence but to which the rand and the JSE and bond yields inevitably react. A mining charter that recognized the trade-offs between growth in output and the distribution of its benefits, beyond those who take on the risks of investment, would be a way of helping ourselves – and is an early test of Ramaphosa realism.























High Frequency SA data- interpolating some up to date statistics- and explaining the SA business cycle.

The problem with much of the data that makes up the GDP is that it is out of date. Knowing how well or badly the economy is now doing becomes a matter of judgment and estimation rather than fact. For example the SA GDP estimates for the second quarter of 2018 (to June) became available only on the 3rd September 2018. Nevertheless despite being after the event they came in less than expected and moved significantly the markets in the rand and RSA debt- and the JSE more generally- sending the rand weaker and bond yields higher and the JSE lower.

The quarterly GDP is but an estimate of total national output and expenditure,  based upon sample surveys of the value added by business enterprises, of income earned producing goods and services and expenditure on them. That is when delivered by retailers and others in the supply and demand chains of the economy. These estimates are then revised, sometimes significantly, and often more than once, as more complete estimates become available.  

Much of the data that is used to estimate and re-estimate GDP is made available by Stats SA on a monthly basis. For example retail sales or vehicle sales or credit and debt account transactions. But again such important indicators about what has gone on in the economy may also be based on sample surveys that take time to collect that make them out of date. For example the recently released retail sales statistics issued by Stats SA date back to July 2018.

The Reserve Bank in its Monthly Release of Selected Data available on its Web site provides a large number of economic indicators, including leading, lagging and coincident indicators of the Business Cycle. Its coinciding business cycle indicator, based on approximately twelve time series,  is highly correlated, as intended, with GDP (converted by ourselves into a monthly equivalent of the quarterly series as we show below) However the latest estimate of this coinciding indicator is for May 2018 and lags behind the GDP data itself making it less than very useful as a guide to the current state of the economy.


Figure 1; Comparing SA GDP with the Reserve Bank Business Cycle Indicator

Source: Stats SA, SA Reserve Bank and Investec Wealth and Investment

There are however two very up to date and important economic time series that help reveal the current state of the SA economy. Moreover they are actual hard numbers and not based on sample surveys. These are new vehicle sold to SA buyers – released by Naamsa, the vehicle manufacturers,  and the notes and coins issued by the SA Reserve Bank, revealed on the Reserve Bank balance sheet published within seven days of each month end on its web site.

Vehicle sales can be regarded as highly representative of the appetite for durable goods exercised by households and for capex by firms and for the credit used to fund purchases of new vehicles – not only cars that may be rented or leased, but commercial vehicles of all kinds. Cash issued on demand for it by the Reserve Bank is demanded by households to fund their intended expenditure. These demands have a strong seasonal component rising strongly in December and before Easter holidays- that unfortunately for the statistician can come earlier or later complicating the seasonal adjustments. Despite the fast growing exchanges facilitated by credit and debit cards and on-line the demand for cash (and its supply) continues to grow closely in line with economic activity. This makes it very useful as an up to date indicator of current spending that will only be revealed officially much later.

We combine vehicle sales and the real note issue, real cash, giving both equal weight to form our Hard Number Index of the current state of the SA economy. We deflate the note issue by the Consumer Price Index to establish the real supply of cash. This Hard Number Index (HNI) updated to August 2018 is shown below where it is compared with the Reserve Bank Coinciding Business Cycle Indicator (to May 2018)

As may be seen in figure 2 and 3 the two series compare very well. The HNI may be seen to have stabilized with values in the mid 90’s (2015=100) with a slight upward trend. The HNI suggests that economic activity in SA is growing but very slowly and is to some extent recovering from weaker growth of 2016.

No acceleration of growth rates can be inferred from the pace of vehicle sales and real cash in August 2018. The economy appears to be stuck in an extended phase of marginally positive growth. No lift off appears under way a conclusion that would not surprise may observers and participants in the SA economy


Figure 2. The Hard Number Index and the Reserve Bank Coinciding Indicator (2015=100)

Source: Stats SA, SA Reserve Bank and Investec Wealth and Investment


Figure3:  The Hard Number Index and the Reserve Bank Coinciding Indicator  2014-2019 (2015=100)


Source: Stats SA, SA Reserve Bank and Investec Wealth and Investment

We show the components of the HNI in figure 4 below and compare the growth in the HNI and the Reserve Bank Business Cycle Indicator in a further chart.

Figure 4; Components of the Hard Number Index (2015=100)

4Source: Stats SA, SA Reserve Bank and Investec Wealth and Investment


Figure 5; Growth in the Hard Number Index and the Reserve Bank Business Cycle Indicator
5Source: Stats SA, SA Reserve Bank and Investec Wealth and Investment
The retail sales cycle as did the HNI,  recovered strongly in late 2017 and have both fallen away since. Retail sales in SA exclude sales of vehicles- new and used as well as of the petrol or diesel used to drive them. This retail recovery was well correlated with a strong pick up (from negative rates) in the real cash cycle. It was lower inflation (particularly of retail prices) rather than an acceleration in the supply of notes that was responsible for this stimulation of demand. It is perhaps encouraging to note that while the retail sales volume cycle has turned sharply down- the real supply of cash continues to grow at a faster rate. (See figure 6 below)
Figure 6; The real retail sales and real cash cycles (smoothed growth)


Source: Stats SA, SA Reserve Bank and Investec Wealth and Investment

Were the note issue to be deflated by prices at retail level rather than by Consumer Prices- that include a large measure for administered prices-  the real supply of cash would be seen to be growing faster and helping to further encourage sales at retail level. Clearly retailers and their local suppliers are not enjoying much power to raise prices and to pass on cost increases. This pressure on margins is however better news for consumers than firms and helps to sustain their willingness to spend more. We compare headline and much lower retail or what may be described as business inflation in figure 7 below.


Fig 7: Headline and retail price inflation compared

7Source: Stats SA, SA Reserve Bank and Investec Wealth and Investment
The outlook for household spending will depend as always on their incomes and their buying power and on the confidence household have in the employment and income prospects. The stronger rand in 2016-2017 helped hold down price increases and encouraged a revival of spending at retail level – especially of durable goods with high import content. But the weaker rand in 2018 has put upward pressure on prices and on operating margins. Hopefully it will not bring higher interest rates with it.

Consumers and the business that serve them must hope for a recovery in the rand to help hold down inflation – even should pressure on margins are relieved to some extent. And hope that lower inflation will bring in due course lower interest rates to add to the disposable incomes (after mortgage payments) of households and their willingness to spend more and borrow more. This is the path to a recovery of demand and supply and to faster growth in GDP.

The exchange value of the rand is only very partially dependent on actions taken in SA. The expected state of emerging economies generally – and so the exchange value of emerging market currencies with the US dollar – will remain decisive for the rand, interest rates and inflation in SA . Should SA come to be seen as more investor friendly than it is now regarded, it would to a degree help the exchange value of  the rand and boost the confidence of SA businesses and households in their income prospects and so their willingness to spend and borrow more. As always the Hard Number Index will provide us with advance warning of hopefully improving times for the SA economy. To date the Index indicates that the SA economy is still but marking time

The SA economy has more than a supply side problem

Second quarter GDP, announced on 3 September, was disappointingly smaller than the quarter before. The news sent the rand immediately weaker and the cost of servicing SA debt higher. The rand declined not only against the US dollar but also weakened against other emerging market currencies. This indicated SA-specific rather than global forces at work. And the spread between RSA yields and their US equivalents widened taking SA dollar denominated debt further into high yield, junk territory. SA dollar debt with five years to maturity offers investors about 2.5 percentage points more than US debt of the same duration. Investment grade debt would offer only about 1.5 percentage points more than US Treasury Bonds.

Some of the weakness in the USD/ZAR exchange rate and weakness in the rand against its emerging market peers has been reversed in recent days, as has the upward pressure on RSA and emerging market risk spreads.

The market logic that sent the rand weaker and spreads higher on the GDP news seems clear enough. Slower growth drives capital away from our economy helped by the rating agencies that are expected to officially downgrade our credit ratings because slower growth means less tax revenue collected and more government borrowing leading to capital outflow. And the weaker rand adds to inflation and is thought likely to lead the Reserve Bank to raise short term interest rates. Adding higher interest rates to higher prices is the recipe for still slower growth.

What then can be done to reverse the vicious circle in which SA finds itself, the slow growth that drives capital away, weakens the rand that adds to inflation? And leads seemingly inevitably to still slower growth in spending and output? Faster growth by the same market logic would do the opposite: attract capital, strengthen the rand and the Treasury and lower inflation.

South Africa clearly has a supply side problem. We are not producing enough (adding enough extra value) to generate additional incomes. The reasons for this failure may seem complex but I would argue that it is the result of policies that focus primarily on who benefits from the output produced, rather than on how to raise the levels of output, incomes and employment. In other words, redistribution undertaken or feared at the expense of output and incomes. South Africa needs to impress the world and its own citizens that we will care about raising output. The revised mining charter, to be made public soon, gives the timely opportunity to demonstrate a new pragmatic economic approach, one intended to attract rather than repel capital on internationally competitive terms.

But South Africa not only has the problem of too little supply. It also suffers much from too little demand. Too little demand was exacerbated in the Q2 GDP estimates by a large decline in the demand to hold inventories. Without the reduction in inventories of R14bn in constant prices, growth in GDP in Q2 would have been 2.9% higher. Reducing stock piles and goods and services in production to satisfy demands rather than increasing the output of them may however point to more rather than less output to come.

But even leaving aside declining investment in inventories or volatile quarterly changes in agricultural output – that could easily reverse themselves – the growth in final demand by households, firms and government is running well below even our limited potential supplies of good and services. And has been doing so for many years now. That is to say interest rates have been too high to match demand and potential supply even growing slowly. Interest rates have a predictable effect on the willingness of households to spend (out of after-mortgage payment income) and the willingness of firms to spend to satisfy those demands. Their influence on prices is much less predictable.

The link between interest rates, the exchange rate and inflation is highly unpredictable, given the forces that drive the exchange rate. That take their cue mostly from global rather than South African events. Indeed as the market has revealed the relationship between growth, inflation and interest rates is not what standard theory might predict. Slower growth leads to a weaker rand, more inflation and still higher interest rates that depress demand and growth further. The impact of less demand on prices is vitiated by the likely impact of the weaker exchange rate on prices.

Thus raising interest rates in response to rand weakness exaggerates the business cycle rather than smooths it. The Reserve Bank should have reduced interest rates much faster and sooner than it has, to help match weak levels of demand with potential supply. The best it can now do for the economy is to surprise the market by not raising rates. And then over the course of the next few years, if demand remains as weak as it has been, to reduce them without then being thought soft on inflation. This would help take SA closer to a virtuous circle of faster growth and less inflation and give the economy some head room to undertake the supply side reforms that are essential if its growth potential is to be raised permanently. 13 September 2018

GDP – Realism required

Parsing the GDP estimates and calling for more realism about them

The SA economy has now recorded two quarters of negative growth: it is in recession. The decline in real GDP of -0.7% in quarter 2 came as something of a surprise, enough to send the rand significantly weaker. Which in itself makes the growth outlook even less promising given the implications of a weaker rand for more inflation and higher interest rates. That the rand was weaker for South African rather than global reasons was apparent in the performance of the rand compared to other emerging market exchange rates. The rand by time of writing, 16h30 on 4 September, was 2.85% weaker vs the US dollar and only slightly less, 2.2% down on our nine emerging market currency basket.

The logic in the market reactions to the surprisingly low GDP growth estimates seems clear enough – slow growth adds risk to the fiscal outlook. It may encourage the rating agencies to downgrade SA debt further so encouraging capital outflows form the RSA debt market, hence the weaker rand. Though it should be appreciated RSA dollar denominated five year bonds were already trading in junk territory before the GDP release.

Insuring RSA dollar debt against default required paying a risk premium of 180bps. at the beginning of August 2018. The emerging market crisis took this risk premium to 230bps by the end of August. It is now 360bps – up from 330bps previously. The equivalent Turkish risk premium is now 580bps compared to 333bps in early August, up a mere 8bps on the day.

The GDP growth numbers themselves require careful consideration, perhaps more than they have received by the market place. Not only did highly volatile agricultural output drag the quarter to quarter seasonally adjusted annual output growth rates lower by 0.8%, but more important, a decline in estimated real inventories reduced expenditure on GDP by as much as 2.9% at an annual equivalent rate.

By definition output (GDP) is made up of value added by the different sectors of the economy. This estimate of output is by definition identical to the expenditure on this output and the incomes earned producing goods and services. Supply determines demand and demand determines supply – and gives us the national income identity- that is GDP is equal to expenditure on GDP.

This expenditure is made up of spending by households and government on consumption of goods and services and spending by firms and government on additional capital goods- known as gross fixed capital formation (GFCF). To which additional or in the case of Q2 2018 reduced investment in inventories is added or subtracted. Exports less imports are then added to make up the estimate of Expenditure on GDP (see figures 2 and 4 provided by Stats SA). This shows the contributions to the growth outcomes of the different sectors and categories of expenditure. It should be noted that net exports (exports volumes grew faster than imports and so were a positive contributor to growth in GDP in Q2. Perhaps some of these mining exports were sourced from stock piles (inventories) rather than current output- enough to reduce inventories at the rate indicated?

Farming volumes while contributing about 2.5% of all value added in Q2 2018 are inherently variable, subject to drought and flood and may not have any seasonal regularity. The real output of agriculture forestry and fishing fell at an annual rate of 29% in Q2 and was down by 34% the quarter before. In Q4 2017 the growth was as much as 39% at an annual rate and 42% p.a. the quarter before that. For a better sense of sustainable growth rates it might be better to exclude agriculture from the GDP estimates

The run down in inventories had however a much more important influence on GDP growth than farming output in the second quarter as may be seen in the table above. Less invested in inventories reduced estimated GDP growth by 2.9% p.a in the quarter. Inventories fell by an estimated over R14 billion in constant price terms, at an annual rate. Enough to take the growth estimate into negative territory with such significant repercussions and despite the positive contribution of 3.7% p.a made by exports to the GDP growth recorded

The adjustments made for seasonal effects on the change in inventories were highly significant. It is very difficult to make economic sense of the very different estimates of changes in inventories when measured in current or constant prices, or when measured each quarter or alternatively at a seasonally adjusted annual rate. According to the statistics provided by Stats SA the actual quantity of inventories in Q2 grew by R6.7bn (at constant 2010 prices) in the quarter. In current prices and at an annual, seasonally adjusted rate inventories are estimated to have declined by R7.4bn in Q2 2018, (much less than the R14b decline when estimated in constant prices). Using quarterly statistics (not seasonally adjusted) the value of inventories, measured in money of the day, increased by R11.1bn in Q2.

It takes something of a leap of faith to accept and reconcile these very different estimates of inventory changes at face value. When growth in the other components of spending is at the understandably slow rates recorded in Q2 2108, estimates of investments- less or more – in inventories take on particular significance – as they did today on their release. They should perhaps be treated with much greater skepticism than has been the case.

Yet for all these reservations about the estimates of GDP growth, the weakness of household spending cannot be gainsaid. It is by far the largest contributor to expenditure on GDP and on GDP – equivalent to 59.4% of all expenditure in Q2 2018 at current prices. The reluctance of households to spend more is at the heart of South Africa’s inability to grow faster. Without a greater willingness and ability of households to spend more the economy and its output and incomes will not – cannot grow faster.

Household consumption expenditure declined at a 1.3% annualized rate in Q2 2018- taking 0.8% off the estimated growth of -0.7% p.a. The weaker rand and the higher inflation that will accompany the weaker rand will depress household spending further. It is surely inconceivable that interest rates could be raised in circumstances of this depressed kind.

The value of the rand is beyond the influence of interest rates. Surely as much is painfully apparent after events of the past few weeks. But interest rates do effect the ability of the households to spend more. If economic logic were to prevail interest rates in SA would be reduced not increased given the negative growth outlook. And if so the growth prospects would improve – not deteriorate. If so, it might lead to rand strength not further weakness. Weakness that comes with slower growth, as we saw today. 5 September 2018

The rand – causes and effects of weakness

How weak is the rand? Or to put it another way – how competitive is the rand? By my calculation the rand was at its weakest, most competitive and most undervalued in late 2001. At R11.98 for a US dollar or a mere 8.3 US cents for a rand, it was selling for about 23% less than its purchasing power (PPP) equivalent. If the dollar/rand exchange rate had merely compensated for differences between higher SA inflation and lower US inflation, the dollar would have cost no more than R7.70 in late 2001.

It was an expensive time for South Africans to visit New York and a bargain for Americans and Europeans traveling in SA. If differences in inflation were the only force driving the dollar/rand exchange rate we would now (in August 2018) be paying less than R10 for a dollar, rather than over R14.

The figure below tracks the real dollar and trade weighted rand since 1995, using December 2010 as the base month. A real exchange rate value of 100 would indicate an equilibrium for foreign traders. One where what is lost on the inflation front is fully made up with exchange rate weakness. As may be seen, the rand has been mostly undervalued since 1995 – the real rand has averaged about 90, or about 10% weaker than PPP on average and with a wide dispersion about the average.

The past performance of the real rand moreover suggests that theoretical PPP exchange rates are an unlikely outcome and not something exporters or importers should fear. Indeed they would be justified in assuming something of a permanent advantage in exporting – with rand prices for exports rising persistently faster than rand operating costs and vice versa. Implying a permanent competitive disadvantage for importers and their price offerings.


This history indicates that inflation differences cannot explain the direction the rand takes.  It is much more a case of (unpredictable) changes in the market determined exchange rates that drive inflation higher or sometimes lower and lead the widening or narrowing of inflation differences between SA and its trading partners.


What then drives the exchange value of the rand? It is surely not any strong tendency for exchange rates to revert to PPP? The answer is that capital flows to and from SA drive the exchange value of the rand – as they explain emerging market exchange rates generally. The rand mostly follows the direction taken by emerging market (EM) currencies vs the US dollar as we show blow. It is the limited extent to which the rand behaves independently of its peers vs the dollar that explains the specifically SA risks that can independently drive the dollar/rand. These are shown by the ratio of the dollar/rand to the US/EM basket.


As may be seen, when we compare the performance of the rand to a fixed weight basket of nine other EM exchange rates vs the dollar, the rand has been in very weak company since 2014. Though in better company after 2016 when EM currencies and the rand improved vs the US dollar. The rand, as may be seen, did weaken in a relative sense with the Zuma interventions in the Treasury, especially in late 2015 when he dismissed Finance Minister Nene. The positive reaction in the currency markets to the succession of Cyril Ramaphosa in late 2017 may also be identified by an improved rand/EM ratio. But despite the importance of these political events for South Africa it would appear that the predominant influence on the exchange value of the rand over the years have been global economic forces, common to many EM economies, rather than domestic politics and policy intentions.

Moreover the potentially helpful effect of a weaker, inflation-adjusted rand on SA exports have been overwhelmed by unfavourable price trends themselves. Especially of the US dollar prices of metals and minerals that make up such a large part of our exports. These price trends linked to global growth trends themselves help explain capital flows. Capital flows in when the outlook for the mining sector and the economy improves and vice versa when the outlook deteriorates and prices fall away

As we show in the chart below exports and imports, valued in US dollars, grew very strongly, by about three times, between 2002 and 2010. The prices SA exporters received in US dollars more than doubled over the same period, as is also shown. The price and volume trends since then have been in the reverse direction – until very recently. The super commodity price cycle came and then went and the exchange rates went inevitably in the same weaker direction.

Yet not all has been bad news for SA exporters, especially those supplying foreign tourists – for whom the undervalued rand has proved a great attraction. The travel statistics of the balance of payments show a dramatic improvement in recent years. Travel receipts from foreigners, measured in US dollars, have been well sustained as payments for foreign travel by South Africans have trailed away (see below).

SA receipts from travel by foreign visitors are now running at about a US$10bn rate that now compares quite well with the value added by the mining sector- also shown in dollars below.

Would it be unfair to say that the achievements of SA tourism – extra income, employment and taxes paid – owe something to the exchange rate and perhaps as much or more to the helpful absence of any Tourism Charter? Conventional property rights have been more than sufficient to the purpose of increased supplies. As they would be helpful to mining output, threatened as it has been by the Mining Charter. 30 August 2018

Talking Turkey about the rand

How best to respond to rand weakness that has nothing much to do with SA

The SA economy has been subject to a new sharp burst of unwelcome rand weakness. Weakness that would appear to have little to do with events political or economic in SA itself. It has been a reaction to the shocks that have overwhelmed the Turkish lira. Weakness in other emerging market exchange rates has been part of the collateral damage.

The Turkish lira has lost 34.79% of its US dollar value since the July month end – from USD/TRY4.91 to USD/TRY6.96 by 14h00 on 13 August. The USD/ZAR was 13.27 on the morning of 1 August and was at 14.38 yesterday afternoon, a decline of 7.97%. But it should be recognised that the rand has been a marginal underperformer within the emerging market (EM) peer group. The JPMorgan EM currency benchmark, which includes the Chinese Yuan with a 11% weight, has lost 6.1 per cent of its USD value over the same period (see figures below where in the second, the relative to other EM currencies underperformance by the rand, shows up as a higher ratio).



A weaker rand leads to more inflation that depresses the spending power of households. It may also lead to higher interest rates, given the reaction function of the Reserve Bank. The Reserve Bank believes that higher inflation will lead to still more inflation expected and hence still more inflation as a self-fulfilling process. That is unless demand is suppressed even further with higher interest rates. This is described as the danger of so-called second round effects of inflation itself (for which incidentally there is little evidence, when demand is already so depressed). The typical SA business now has very limited power to raise prices, as has been revealed by little inflation at retail level. A still weaker rand is likely to further restrain operating margins and the willingness of SA business to invest in plant or people.

We have long argued that this represents a particularly baleful approach by the Reserve Bank to its responsibilities. We have recommended that the Reserve Bank not react to exchange rate shocks, over which they have little influence. Moreover, that raising interest rates can further depress demand without having any predictable influence on the exchange rate itself.

Indeed we have argued that slow growth itself weakens the case for investing in South Africa. Slow growth to which monetary policy can contribute adds investment risk without any predictable influence on inflation because the value of the rand is itself so unpredictable.

The best the Reserve Bank can do for the economy at times like this, when the rand is shocked weaker, is to say very little and do even less and wait for the shock to pass through – as it will in a year or so. The statement of the Deputy Governor, Daniel Mminele, made yesterday that “The South African Reserve Bank won’t intervene to prop up the rand unless the orderly functioning of markets is threatened” is to be welcomed.

The weaker rand, for whatever reason, discourages spending and weakens the case for investing in any company that derives much of its revenue from South African sources. Companies listed on the JSE that derive much of their sales offshore stand to benefit from higher revenues recorded in the weaker rand. These include the large global industrial plays that dominate the Industrial Index of the JSE by market value. Included in their ranks are Richemont, British American Tobacco and AB Inbev.

Even better placed to benefit from a weaker rand will be companies with revenues offshore but with costs incurred in rands. The increase in these rand costs of production may well lag behind the higher revenues being earned in rands, so adding to the operating margins enjoyed. Resource companies quoted on the JSE with SA operations fall into this category. Kumba and the platinum companies, as well as Sasol, are examples of businesses of this kind.

But the appeal of global and resource plays for investors will also depend on the prevailing state of global markets. Global strength will add to their value measured in USD and even more so when these stable or higher dollar values are translated into rands at a weaker rate of exchange. In such circumstances, when the rand weakens for SA specific reasons, rather than for adverse circumstances associated with a weaker global economy, the global and resource plays on the JSE have additional appeal.

The additional weakness of the rand, when compared to other EM currencies, may well have added to the appeal of JSE global and resource companies. The movements on the JSE on 13 August – at least up until mid-afternoon – do suggest that a degree of rand weakness for partly SA specific reasons- has been helpful for the rand values of the JSE global and resource plays. This is shown below. The global industrial plays and Naspers, another very important global play, have moved higher with JSE Resources. The SA plays have weakened as may also be seen and would have been predicted.

The news about the global economy may not have improved with the Turkish crisis. Nor however is the global economy greatly threatened by the state of the Turkish economy. The weakness of the Turkish Lira would appear to have much to do with the unsatisfactory state of Turkish politics. The risk is that Turkey is less willing to play by the rules of international diplomacy and business and may be isolated accordingly. A serious spat with the USA has led to economic sanctions being placed on leading Turkish politicians to which Turkey has responded with outrage rather than negotiations with the US.

The lesson for South Africa is to remain fully committed to global trading and financial conventions. To reinforce its attractions as an investment destination at times like this when the rand comes under pressure. This will help support the rand and the prospects for the SA economy. 14 August 2018

Is pessimism about the SA economy overdone?

The SA economy: will it gain relief from a stronger rand and less inflation?

The SA economy (no surprise here) continues to move mostly sideways. Growth in economic activity is perhaps still slightly positive but remains subdued. Two hard numbers are now available for the June 2018 month end: for new vehicle sales and the real supply of cash – the notes in issue adjusted for prices that we combine to form our Hard Number Index (HNI) of economic activity. Because it is up to date, the HNI can be regarded as a leading indicator of economic activity that is still to be reported upon.

Its progress to date is shown below. It shows a falling off in activity in 2016 and a more recent stability at lower levels. It is compared to the Reserve Bank’s business cycle indicator based on a larger number of time series that continued to move higher in 2016-17 but has also levelled off in recent months. The problem with the Reserve Bank series is that it is only available up to the March month end for which GDP data is also available.


We show the growth in the HNI and the Reserve Bank cycle below with an extrapolation 12 months ahead. The HNI cycle suggests growth of about 1% in 2019 while the Reserve Bank cycle is pointing lower.



It is striking how well the real cash cycle (included in the HNI) can help predict the cycle of real retail sales. Retail sales volumes gathered momentum in late 2017 stimulated it would seem by an increasing supply of real cash. This momentum has however slowed more recently as inflation turned higher in the face of a weaker rand. Retail sales have been reported only to April 2018.

The key to any revival in domestic spending will be less SA inflation. And inflation will, as always, take much of its momentum from the exchange rate. The recent weakness in the rand has been a body blow for the SA consumer. It has little to do with events in SA and much to do with slower growth expected in emerging market economies, especially China. Where the dollar goes, driven higher by relatively stronger growth and higher interest rate prospects in the US, emerging market currencies, including the rand, move in the opposite direction.

The best hope for the rand and for the SA consumer is that the pessimism about emerging market growth has been overdone. If so some recovery in EM exchange rates can be expected – and that the rand will appreciate in line with capital flowing in rather than out of emerging markets. Some of these forces have been at work this week, helping the rand recover some of its losses and improving the outlook for inflation in SA. It may also if sustained even lead to lower interest rates in SA – essential if any cyclical recovery is to be had.

The importance of inflation for the business cycle is captured in this correlation table of key growth rates in SA. Inflation may be seen to be negatively correlated (and significantly so) with the growth in retail volumes and new vehicle sales. It is even more correlated (0.85) with the growth in the supply of real cash – that is in turn highly correlated with the growth in retail activity. And as may be seen, the growth in retail activity is also strongly correlated with growth the Reserve Bank’s cyclical indicator (Resbank) (0.80 correlated):


The problem for South Africa and the Reserve Bank that targets inflation, is that so little of the inflation experienced in SA is under its control. The exchange rate takes its own course – driven by global sentiment – so pushing prices higher or lower, that in turn drives spending lower or higher. Interest rates that may rise with more inflation and then fall with less inflation make monetary policy pro-cyclical rather than counter cyclical. 11 July 2018

Why China is so important to SA

The outlook for the SA economy depends on China

Emerging markets (EMs) and their currencies enjoyed a strong comeback in 2017, after years of underperformance when compared to the S&P 500. The JSE All Share Index kept pace with the S&P 500 in 2017 in US dollars. An EM benchmark-tracking stock would have returned over 40% in the 12 months to January 2018 while the S&P 500 delivered an impressive 26%, less than the 28% delivered to the dollar investor in a JSE tracker.

Investor enthusiasm for equity markets in general and for EM securities and currencies in particular however ended abruptly in January 2018 and waned further in April. The EM equity drawdowns since January have been depressingly large. The MSCI EM Index and the JSE have now lost about the same 16.5% of their end January US dollar values, while the S&P 500 was down by a mere 4% at June month-end.


The carnage was widespread across the EM universe. The SA component of the EM Index, with a weight of 6.5%, has been an averagely poor EM performer in 2018, as shown in the figure below. Turkey is the worst performer in 2018, down nearly 30% in US dollars in the year to June. The All China component of the EM benchmark, with a large weight of 31.7%, has lost about 12% over the same period, with much of this loss suffered since March, including a large 7% decline in June. The Brazil Index has suffered a heavy 27% decline in its US dollar value in the past quarter.



The capital that had flooded into EMs and their currencies in 2017 has rushed out even more rapidly, presumably back to the US, so driving the US dollar higher and other currencies, especially emerging market currencies (including the rand) weaker. The rand has traded mostly in line with its peers in 2018, though it has lost ground to them recently.



It should also be recognised that the similar flows of dividends and earnings from the JSE and EMs over many years, in US dollars shown in the figure above, is not some co-incidence. It is the result of the similar economic performance of the companies represented in the two indices.

The JSE has been well representative of the EM universe taken as a whole, when measured in US dollars. Naspers, with a 20% weight in the JSE All Share Index and a close to 30% weight in the SA component of the EM benchmark, is largely a Chinese IT company. Naspers is riding on the coattails of its subsidiary Tencent, and this helps account the similar behaviour of the respective indices.

In the long run, it is past performance reflected by earnings, dividends and return on capital invested that drives equity valuations, not sentiment. Reported dividends, discounted by prevailing interest rates, do a very good fundamental job in explaining the level of an equity index over time. In the short run, expectations of future performance (sentiment), will move markets one way or another, as they have moved equity markets in the past.

The sell-off in EM equity markets is not explained by their recent performance, which has benefited from synchronised global growth. It reflects uncertainty about the prospective growth in dividends and earnings and therefore global growth rates to come. We may hope that pessimism is being overdone.

The impact of the performance of companies that operate in China, on the outcomes for EMs generally (including SA), cannot be overestimated. Not only is the direct weight of China in the equity and currency indices a large one, but China is an important trading partner for all other emerging market economies.

Therefore the ability of China to maintain its growth and trading relationships successfully and manage its exchange rate predictably and responsibly will be a vital contributor to the prospects for all EMs. Realised global growth, including growth in the US, Europe and China, will determine the outcomes for EM equity and bond markets and exchange rates. The performance of the global economy and the companies dependent upon it are as good or better than they were a year ago.

The performance of the SA economy would be assisted by a stronger rand and damaged by a weaker rand that moves inflation, interest rates and spending faster or slower. Exchange rate and inflation trends in SA are bound to follow the direction taken in all EM economies, especially China. We must hope that renewed respect for growth in China will make this happen. Our immediate economic future depends more on what happens in Beijing than in Pretoria. 5 July 2018

The mining charter- its true purpose

Version published in Business Day 23rd June 2018


There is much to be gained from a thriving mining sector. Its promise for growing incomes is as great- perhaps greater than any other sector of the SA economy- given the opportunity. There would be extra income to be earned on the mines and rigs and additional taxes paid by many more workers. There would be more jobs gained and increased incomes earned supplying goods and services to additional mining enterprises.


Exports would grow and the balance of payments would benefit from inflows of permanent mining capital. The exchange value of the rand would become less vulnerable to outflows of portfolio capital – to the advantage of all businesses and their customers in our economy.


The recipe to stimulate rapid growth in mining activity is simple It is to make the rules and regulations applied to the owners of mining companies at least as attractive as anywhere in the world.. Applied to capital that realistically can only be expected from well-established, well-diversified global mining companies with the appetite for taking on mining risks and the balance sheets and borrowing capacity to do so.


And wouldn’t it be a game changer for exploration activity were ownership of the rights to the potential value below the surface be transferred from the state to the owner of the land above. Including to communities with traditional rights to graze or plant land that could be far more valuable than they can possibly know before exploration. Rights ceded in exchange for a significant betterment tax should ownership be transferred to a mining company received on transfer from the buyer.


However the newly proposed and amended mining charter informs us very clearly that this more competitive landscape for mining is not about to happen. The intention is to put onerous constraints on the powers of owners to manage a mine as best they might. Owners will be required to contract with suppliers, directors and managers and partners with preferred legal status rather than chosen on merit. It imposes further controls on how they have to share the benefits of ownership and the capital they will have put at risk. With partners not necessarily of their own choosing or on terms chosen by them should the mine prove successful.


They will be required to pay taxes and royalties and declare dividends based on cash flows, not on normal accounting principles. For fear – not doubt legitimate – that taxable income might be minimised by transfer pricing – reducing revenues and raising costs. Or by exaggerating the interest paid on loans provided by holding companies residing in no tax or low tax jurisdictions. Interest payments (expensed for tax purposes) that are intentionally more like capital repaid.


Eliminating tax avoidance and applying the complex regulations will take a costly to taxpayers and owners army of competent officials on both sides of the fence to hopefully ensure compliance.


It would be much more sensible if mining companies in SA were not subject to any income taxes at all. This would eliminate all attempts to minimise tax payments and protect the tax base. All income distributed by companies as employment benefits, rents, interest dividends or capital repayments can instead be taxed in the hands of the receivers- reported by the company making the payments. Compliance becomes much less onerous and the case for investing much improved – to the great advantage of mining output.


It should be very clear therefore that the intentions of the mining charter are not to stimulate mining output and employment. Its primary purpose is to redistribute its benefits. The mining charter is symptomatic of this approach to economic development in South Africa. Redistribution at the expense of potential growth. The consequential sacrifice of growth, so balefully apparent, should not be regarded as unintended.

Looking at the hard numbers

Our review of the state of the SA economy indicates a modest but welcome pick-up in economic activity. This was driven by lower levels of inflation particularly at retail level where even some lower prices helped spur spending by households.

Unfortunately the suddenly weak rand will reverse inflation trends and slow down spending all over again. As Mike Tyson said, everybody has a plan in the ring until they get hit in the face. Consumers have had to take another punch in the form of a weaker rand that will soon show up at the stores. They will depend on the Reserve Bank rolling with the punch: leaving interest rates unchanged to soften the blow of higher prices. The real danger is that the Bank will do the opposite and raise rates, doing nothing for the rand and only depressing spending further.

We have updated our index of the current state of the SA economy with data released for May 2018. We call it the Hard Number Index (HNI) because it relies on two hard numbers that are provided very close to the month end. The data we rely upon and combine to form our Index are new vehicle sales, provided by the National Association of Vehicle Manufacturers (NAAMSA) and the cash (notes) in circulation issued by the Reserve Bank. The note issue is a liability on the Reserve Bank balance sheet, reported soon after each month end.

These are hard numbers and not the result of sample surveys that inevitably take time to collect and estimate. A further advantage in the May releases is that they are less likely to be influenced by the Easter effect that comes at different times in March or April, and so always makes seasonal adjustments very difficult to claculate accurately for those months. The seasons of the year do make a difference to vehicle sales and even more so on demands for cash that tend to rise as consumers intend to spend more on holidays, especially at Easter and Christmas.

The current state of the economy, according to the HNI, as of the May month end, is shown in the chart below (Figure 1). The HNI is compared with the Reserve Bank Business Cycle Indicator that has only been updated to February 2018 (an especially out of date measure given that disappointing first quarter GDP estimates have already been released). The disappoinment was that in the first quarter GDP, declined at a 2.2% annual rate. the economy will have moved on – hopefully forward.

The HNI may be regarded as a leading indicator of the SA business cycle and has served very well in this regard as may be seen in figures one and two. However the two series parted company to a degree after 2016. The HNI has pointed to lower levels of activity than the Reserve Bank Indicator. However in late 2017 the HNI stabilised and picked up some momentum. These trends, when extrapolated, suggest that the economy will stabilise at its current pedestrian pace for the next 12 months.

We show the second derivative of the business cycle in figure 2, the growth in the economic indicators. As may be seen the growth in the Reserve Bank activity indicator has been slow but persistently slow in 2017 and 2018. The HNI has recently turned from negative to positive growth.

The components of the HNI have shown a different direction. Supply (and demand) for cash, adjusted for prices, has shown a welcome upward direction, and is forecast to be sustained over the next 12 months. However vehicle sales, while they have shown a modest recovery in 2017, are pointing marginally lower: down from their current annual rate of about 546 000 new passenger cars sold, to a marginally lower rate of sales of 535 000 cars forecast to be sold this time next year. See figures 3 and 4.

The pick-up in the real cash cycle was assisted by less inflation in 2017. Figure 5 compares the growth in the value of notes issued (at face value) with the slower inflation adjusted rate of growth.

The increase in prices at retail level has been unusually lower than headline inflation in recent months. In March 2018, retail inflation was running at 1.6% compared to headline inflation that month of 3.8% that increased to 4.5% in April. This pick up in what are spending intentions, hence demands for cash, would be faster if prices were measured at retail rather than headline inflation.

Lower levels of retail inflation in 2017 owed much to the end of the drought, the recovery of the rand and the weakness of spending at retail level that gave retailers very little pricing power. The consequently lower inflation rates at retail level – sometimes deflation – undoubtedly helped stimulate extra spending at retail level in late 2017. The real money cycle is almost always closely linked to the cycle of retail sales volumes as we show in figure 6.

As we show in figure 7, measuring the increases in the real supply of cash using retail prices rather than the CPI accords better with the faster pace of retail sales volumes in recent months.

It may also be seen in figure 8 that the forecast for both is for slower growth over the next 12 months. Both the growth rates in real cash and real retail sales are forecast to slow towards a three per cent per annum pace by early 2019.

The recent weakness in the rand will not be helpful in this regard. It will mean more inflation and so more pressure on the spending power of households. We may hope that the Reserve Bank will not be adding to this depressing effect on spending by raising interest rates and also doing nothing to help the rand while only slowing down economic growth further. 13 June 2018

Retail peaks and troughs

Retail spending has gathered momentum. Have we reached a (low) peak in the retail cycle?

The volume of retail sales in South Africa has gained momentum, off a very weak base. By March real sales were up 4.8% compared to a year before. Will this cyclical recovery in spending at retail level accelerate or fall back? The answer will depend on the future path of inflation in SA, to which short term interest rates and the cost of credit for households and firms are linked. The future path of the rand will be critical to the inflation outcomes, as we discuss below.

This growth in spending was stimulated by a sharp decline in retail inflation from early 2017 (see figure 1 below). Retail inflation in March 2016 was 7.4% and declined steadily to 1.6% in March 2018. Retail sales growth was a negative 1.7% in December 2016. Growth in sales a year later was over 5%. The real sales cycle was at a trough when the retail price cycle was at its peak in Q4 2016.

(Retail inflation is calculated as the annual change in the retail price deflator, being the ratio of retail sales at current prices to retail sales at constant prices. It has fallen far below headline CPI inflation that was 3.8% in March 2012.)

A large part of the answer to whether or not the retail recovery will accelerate or decelerate will depend on the direction of retail prices and on interest rates that will take their cue from the price trends. As may be seen in figure 1, the time series forecast is for a slowdown in sales growth from its peak and a modest pick-up in retail inflation from its recent trough. It will take rand strength to avoid these outcomes.

In figure 2 we show this clearly negative relationship (inflation up and sales growth down) over an extended period. It also shows how low the current rate of real sales growth is in comparison to the previous peak growth rates realised in 2006 and 2011. There would be little reason to regard the current rate of retail sales growth as representing a peak in the cycle – were it not for a concern that retail price inflation may have reached a cyclical trough.

The declining trend in retail and headline inflation since mid-2016 had much to do with the stronger rand. Another force acting particularly on food price inflation was the end of the drought in the eastern part of the country of 2016. The drought had pushed food price inflation to double digits. Food price inflation was 3.5% in March 2018. Inflation peaked after the USD/ZAR exchange rate had reached its weakest point in late 2015. And headline and retail inflation receded after the rand had come to strengthen on a year on year basis. Thus the future of inflation in SA will depend, as ever, on the exchange rate, given the openness of the economy to foreign trade. Exports and imports together add up to the equivalent of 60% of GDP.

We compare CPI (headline) inflation with retail price inflation in figure 3 below. We show the impact of the exchange rate on inflation in figure 4.


In figure 5 we compare the correlated movements in the USD/ZAR and trade-weighted rand. Both rand exchange rates are helpfully for inflation trends that still marginally stronger than they were a year ago, even after recent US dollar strength and rand weakness.


The key to the exchange value of the rand in the months to come (and so for the outlook for inflation) will be the behaviour of the US dollar. Dollar strength vs peers is likely to mean weakness in emerging market currencies, including the rand, as has been the case since mid-April. Dollar strength in 2014 was associated with emerging market currency weakness until mid-2016. A degree of dollar weakness, and rand and emerging market strength followed until very recently. It may be seen that since April 2018, renewed dollar strength vs the euro, yen, sterling and the Swiss franc has been associated predictably with emerging market and rand weakness.

The degree to which the rand moves independently of the other emerging market exchange rates as shown in the figures may be regarded as the additional SA-specific political events that can influence the exchange value of the rand. SA risks weakened the rand compared to other emerging market currencies in 2015 – and a diminished sense of SA-specific risks to investors strengthened the rand in a relative sense in 2016 and again in late 2017.

Thus it should be appreciated that most of what happens to the rand will reflect global forces acting on emerging market currencies generally, events over which SA has no influence. Nor are SA interest rates likely to influence the rand exchange rates in circumstances when global capital flows dominate exchange rate movements. In our view, with the Ramaphosa presidency now firmly in place, the exchange value of the rand in 2018 will be influenced largely by what happens to the US dollar and all emerging market currencies.

The recent strength of the US dollar is a clear danger to the rand and SA inflation. A stronger US dollar means rand weakness and more inflation in SA and at best stable short-term interest rates. More inflation and unchanged interest rates will hold back retail sales. A weaker dollar however would mean less inflation, possibly lower interest rates and continued strength in retail sales volumes.

The dollar strengthens when the US economy grows faster than other developed economies and vice versa. Relatively faster growth in the US means that US interest rates are likely to rise relatively to interest rates in Europe and Japan, so attracting flows into the dollar, as has been the case recently. More synchronised global growth is to be hoped for to restrain dollar strength and protect the rand and improve the outlook for inflation and growth in SA.

SA has little influence over the direction of the rand and hence inflation and the retail sales cycle. The best SA monetary policy can do in these circumstances is to let interest rates take their direction from the state of the economy and not the outlook for inflation – which is dominated by forces beyond interest rate influence. The danger to the economy comes from interest rate settings that react to the impact of a stronger US dollar on domestic inflation. 23 May 2018

What’s in a price?

What is in a price? And what does it all mean for our standard of living?

Automation, roboticisation and miniaturisation are changing wondrously the way we produce and consume goods and services, including the medical treatments that can keep us alive for longer and with much less morbidity. To which forces of change we could add the internet of things that connects us ever more effectively and commands so much more of our attention.

The benefits of this technological revolution that we can see and feel are not at all obvious however in the measures we use. We are informed that US productivity continues to grow very slowly. And real GDP is growing as slowly, as are wages and incomes adjusted for inflation. Apparently Americans are not getting better off at the pace they used to and are frustrated with their politicians they hold responsible.

Is our intuition at fault or the way we compare the prices of the goods and services we consume over time? All measures of output and incomes are determined in money of the day, calculated and agreed to in current prices. They are then converted to a real equivalent by dividing some sample of output or wages estimated at current prices, by a price index or a deflator. A price index measures the changes in the prices of some fixed “basket” of goods and services thought to represent the spending patterns of the average consumer. The deflator calculates the changes in the prices of the goods and services consumed or produced today, compared to what would have been paid for them a year before.

Both estimates attempt to make adjustments for changes in the quality of the goods and services we are assumed to consume. A car or a pain killer or cell phone we buy today on today’s terms may do more for us than it would have done at perhaps a lower price, or possibly a higher price (think dish washers or calculators) five or 10 years before. It is not the same thing we are making price comparisons with.

A piece of capital equipment today, robotically and digitally enhanced, is very likely to produce many more “widgets” today than a machine similarly described 10 years ago. And it may cost less in money of the day. It is a much more powerful machine and firms may well make do with fewer of them. Their expenditure on capex – relative to revenues – may well decline, indicating (wrongly perhaps) a degree of weakness in capital expenditure. The problem may not be a lack of willingness of firms to invest more, but how we measure the real volume of their investment expenditure – quality adjusted.

There is room for moving the rate at which a price index increases (what we call inflation) a per cent or two or three higher than they would be if quality changes were implied differently and more accurately. And if s,o GDP and productivity growth would appear as equivalently faster.

It is instructive that the US Fed targets 2% inflation – not zero inflation – because 2% inflation (quality adjusted) may not be inflation at all. And zero inflation may mean deflation (prices actually falling) enough to discourage spending now, to wait – unhelpfully for the state of the economy – for better terms tomorrow.

Over the past three months there have been no increases in prices at retail level in SA. The annual increase in retail prices (according to the retail deflator) fell below 2% in January 2018 and is far lower than headline inflation. (see below). The Reserve Bank would do well to recognise that the state of the economy – coupled with what the stronger rand provides businesses in SA – leaves both manufacturers and retailers with very little pricing power. Nominal borrowing costs – well above business inflation – are in reality applying a significant real burden for them. They could do with relief. 12 April 2019

The political economy of SA – promise and hoped for delivery

It is possible to get very rich from politics in an honest and old-fashioned way. Recent SA political and economic events prove so. Had you predicted that Cyril Ramaphosa would win the ANC election in December and ascend to the presidency of SA, and bought the rand and the shares and bonds that benefit from a strong rand, you would have done very well. And you’d have done even better if you had sold those securities (including the US dollar or euro) that weaken when the rand responds to good news about SA.

The USD/ZAR reached a recent low of R14.46 on 15 November. It is now R11.77, an improvement of about 20%. The rand has also gained 24% against the JPMorgan Index of emerging market exchange rates (FXJPEMCS), since then indicating it was South African-specific surprises rather than global forces that has driven the rand recently.

The cost to the taxpayer of issuing rand-denominated debt has fallen significantly. The yield on five year RSA bonds has fallen from 8.69% on15 November to 7.38% on 12 March that is by 1.31% or equivalent to a 16% decline in the cost of issuing new government debt of this duration. This even as US interest rates were moving in the opposite direction.

The extra yield SA has to offer investors in US Treasury bonds for five year money (the sovereign risk premium) has fallen from 206 to 139 basis points. Over the same period, enough to bring SA debt well within investment grade quality. A one per cent per annum saving on interest, given the volume of government debt to be serviced and rolled over, is worth about R6bn to the SA taxpayer (hopefully) or the recipient of extra government spending (alas more realistically).


A stronger rand means less inflation and encourages households (who do more than 60% of all spending in SA) to spend more on the goods and services to be supplied to them by SA business. And the more profitable firms in turn will then hire more workers and equipment to service their growing custom. And less inflation may bring a lower repo rate and mortgage payments to further encourage spending. Enough extra spending to at last spark a recovery in the economy that has been growing much too slowly for far too long.

These implications of the stronger rand has therefore been dramatically registered in the share market. Companies with revenues and earnings generated in SA, banks and retailers for example, have become more valuable. While companies listed on the JSE, whose main line of business is generated offshore, have lost value. An equally weighted group of 14 large offshore plays has lost about 20% of its rand value since mid-November (see figures 4 and 5 below).

By contrast the rand value of a group of 18 equally weighted large SA economy plays on the JSE has increased by about 25% over the same short period. Buying SA and selling the world on a Ramaphosa victory would have been very value adding. Simply buying the JSE – with its mix of global and SA plays would – as an exchange traded fund would do, would have been to miss the value adding bus. It is in surprising turbulent times like this that active managers earn their fees.


The government led by Ramaphosa could provide much more of the good stuff for the SA economy by delivering on the promise of better government. Better still for the economy and its growth would be less government. Officials should intervene less in the economy – and show more respect for business and market forces as the critical drivers of the economy. Government should tax business income at lower rates and avoid subsidising other businesses that survive only with government aid.

Less intrusive government and consequently lower compliance costs would allow small businesses to compete with large businesses. And, more important, to free up the market for workers that leaves so many unemployed.

Government should also show a genuine willingness to sell off rather than add capital to the companies it owns: firms that survive to protect their employees from the performance indicators that private owners would demand of them – and reward accordingly.

The cabinet should recognise that its current set of economic policies of high spending and tax – ever more intervening government – has been a primary cause of the debilitating slow growth realised in recent years. A mix of all of the above policy recommendations would deliver economic growth and votes. A still weak economy could lose the ANC the next election in 2019. 15 March 2018

Retail therapy

The SA economy is being helped along by lower inflation at the retail level

The SA economy did surprisingly well in the fourth quarter of last year. GDP grew at an annual rate of over 3%. The demand side of the economy did just as well, growing at the same rate as supply, which was augmented by a strong seasonal recovery in agricultural output. Demands from households, which account for 60% of all spending, increased by an annualised 3.6% in the quarter, well above recent trends, while expenditure on capital goods increased even more robustly by 7.4% annualised. Imports increased significantly faster than exports, so reducing GDP growth, but found their way into increased holdings of inventories – enough to offset the impact of the growth in imports (up 23%) and the negative trade deficit on GDP. Imports add to supply – the increase in inventories adds to demand.

The strength in household spending – essential to any cyclical recovery – was reflected in a strong recovery in retail sales volumes. These were growing at close to a 6% annual rate in the fourth quarter. Such growth was assisted by low rates of retail price inflation. The prices of goods and services at retail level were largely unchanged in the fourth quarter; hence sales in constant prices were rising as rapidly as were sales measured in prices of the day. Clearly consumers were getting the benefit of the end of the drought (lower food prices) and the stronger rand and presumably strong price competition at retail level.

The figures below tell the story of price competition and its effects. Extrapolating recent trends suggests that prices at retail level will be rising at a very slow rate in the months to come. The recent strength in the rand will be adding to these disinflationary, if not deflationary pressures in the months to come and will help to stimulate household spending. A time-series forecast of retail volumes indicates that they could retain a brisk growth pace of around 6% over the next 12 months.


Retail sales and price statistics are available only up to December 2017. Two more up-to-date hard numbers have been printed for the February 2018 month end, that is for vehicle sales and the cash (notes and coin in circulation) supplied by the Reserve Bank. We combine these indicators into a Hard Number Index (HNI) of economic activity in SA. As shown below, this index may be regarded as a good leading indicator of the business cycle in SA (itself only updated to November 2017).

As we show in figures four and five, according to the HNI, the economy has picked up some positive, though modest momentum, consistent with the 3% GDP growth realised in the fourth quarter.


The growth in the components of the HNI are shown below. As may be seen both the vehicle and the real cash cycles have recovered from their low points of mid-2017. However the impetus for the economy provided by cash in circulation and vehicle sales volumes is forecast to wane somewhat in the months ahead – absent any stimulation from lower interest rates.

The real cash cycle (notes/consumer prices) provides a consistently helpful predictor of the trends in retail volumes, and had been doing so recently, as we show below in figure 8. Were we to use retail prices rather than consumer price inflation to deflate the supply of cash, we might derive a better indicator of retail sales volumes. The divergence between CPI and retail inflation has become unusually large. It reflects the intense competition for strained household budgets. It surely provides a better measure of the lack of demand-side pressures on prices and supply side forces (exchange rates and drought) acting on prices in SA. The CPI is more exposed to administered prices and tax rates. The Reserve Bank would do well to acknowledge how low business inflation is in SA and lower interest rates accordingly to encourage households to spend more for the sake of a much desired economic recovery – with low inflation. 13 March 2018

The SA economy – some Christmas cheer

The incipient cyclical recovery identified in our last report on the state of the SA economy has been confirmed by the most recent data releases. New vehicle sales and the supply of cash to the economy at November month end both support the view that the economy is demonstrating resilience.

We combine these up to date, hard numbers (not based on sample surveys) to calculate our Hard Number Indicator (HNI) of the business cycle. As we show in figure 1 the HNI is now pointing higher after showing little momentum after 2014 and having moved lower in 2016. The annual change in this indicator (the second derivative of the business cycle) has moved into positive territory and is forecast to maintain this momentum.

The components of the HNI are shown below. The real money base, the note issue, adjusted for the CPI (to November 2017) has become less negative while the new vehicle sales have maintained an encouraging revival.

If recent vehicle sales trends are maintained, new vehicle sales would be running at a 600 000 unit rate at year end 2018. This would represent a welcome recovery from the cyclical trough of mid-2016 but would still leave sales well below the previous peak rates of 2006 and 2012-2014.

Sales volumes at retail level, excluding motor vehicles, have been reported for October 2017. They show that the retail sales cycle continues its upward momentum and is pointing to growth rates of about 3% through 2018. This growth will be assisted by the growth in demands for cash. Extra cash is still a very good coinciding indicator of retail spending intentions despite all the digital alternatives to cash in SA (see figure 4).

Perhaps a more important encouragement for households to spend more is that prices at retail level have hardly increased over the past few months. The retail price deflator has moved sideways even as the CPI continues its upward trend, though also at a more modest rate. Hence the trend in inflation at retail level is sharply lower and, if sustained, will prove a stimulus to spending (see figures 5 and 6). The key to the door of lower prices at retail level is the exchange value of the rand. The outcome of the ANC succession struggle at Nasrec this weekend will be well reflected in the rand and in turn in retail spending and inflation. 14 December 2017