To grow or not to grow? – that is the question for the RSA and investors in it.

The RSA is currently offering its bond holders a real 3.8% a year for 10 year money. It is the lowest risk investment that can be made in rands over the next 10 years. One made without the risk of inflation reducing the purchasing power of your interest income and without risk of default. If you wished to invest in a US Treasury inflation protected security (a ten year TIPS) you would have to (pay) Uncle Sam 13.3 cents per $100 invested for the opportunity.

Thus investors willing to accept RSA risk are currently being compensated with an extra 4% real rand income each year for the next ten years. This real risk spread was a mere 2.3 % p.a. a year ago. Other possible measures of RSA risk are as unflattering. The RSA borrowing dollars for five years has to pay an extra 2.2% p.a more than the US Treasury for five year money making RSA debt already well into junk status where it has languished for some time not withstanding its fragile investment grade status with Moody’s. Our rating compared to other EM borrowers has deteriorated and the ZAR is expected to weaken at a faster rate (See figures below)

The real risk spread for SA assets


Source; Bloomberg and Investec Wealth and Investment

Measures of SA risk


Source; Bloomberg and Investec Wealth and Investment


It all makes for very expensive national debt that taxpayers have to fund and higher costs of capital for SA business. These higher real rates also raise the returns that SA businesses have to hurdle to justify capital expenditure. Ever fewer such opportunities are seen to be on offer. And so the best many SA economy facing businesses can now do for their share owners is to opt out of the race in ways that are not good for growth. That is to use the cash they generate to buy back shares or pay dividends rather than attempt to grow their businesses.

The cause of this deteriorating credit rating and the higher discount rates applied to SA earnings is obvious enough. The RSA appears increasingly unlikely to manage its public finances with any degree of competence. The 2020-21 Budget has to cover an extra R50b to hold the fiscal line drawn as recently as last October. It is the result of less revenue than expected as growth has slowed and rapidly growing government expenditure on failed state-owned enterprises. A growing interest rate bill on ever more government debt is a further growing strain on the Budget .

There are however alternatives to raising taxes or borrowing more. That is to raid the SA pension and retirement funds. That is to compel them to hold more RSA debt of one kind or another on less favourable terms than have currently to be provided. Such forms of EWC have one major advantage for the politicians imposing them. Their full consequences will not become obvious for many years. That is in the form of lower than otherwise returns for pension funds and depleted pension payments. Including the bill ultimately to be presented to taxpayers for underfunded defined benefits owed to public sector employees- and largely incalculable today.

Swapping most of the debts and interest payments of SOE’s for equity without guaranteed returns has however one major potential upside. It could mean the effective transfer of ownership and rights of ownership from government to the private sector. This would bring greater efficiency and the avoidance of further losses for SA taxpayers and consumers of essential services.  Such a step would bring down real interest rates and encourage private sector investment.

It would moreover indicate something much more fundamental to investors in SA. That is when accompanied by credible controls on the size of the government payroll it would clearly signal something all important for investors. And that is the primary purpose of the SA government is not to provide a growing flow of real benefits for those employed by government. This is the essential question that the Budget, we must just hope, will answer in the affirmative.


f4 f3

SA -in or out of the narrow corridor that leads to economic success?

The achievements of a few highly successful economies are highly admirable and conspicuous. Consistent growth in incomes and output over many decades has eliminated poverty. The growth has been accompanied by growing tax revenues that are easily collected, without much disturbing the engines of growth. And are then redistributed in cash and kind to provide a high measure of security for all its citizens against the accidents to which individuals and their families are always vulnerable.  Growth provides the means to fight crime, protect borders, provide roads, sewers and vaccinations, of equal value to all.  The caveat is that this historically unprecedented abundance is not better appreciated and more popular than it appears to be. Continued success can never be taken for granted.

Open access to the markets for all goods and services and for the resources, labour capital and natural resources with which to compete for custom, is a critical ingredient for success. Innovation threatens established interests and must be well recognised as a force for better. Rights that protect wealth and persons against fraudulent or violent assault and rule by predictable laws and transparent regulations are essential for success.

Competent and responsive government agencies are essential to the economic purpose. And a society, critical of government action, aware and unafraid of what a powerful government might arbitrarily do to them, makes for good government.

Harvard economists Acemoglu and Robison (A&R) have followed their influential “Why Nations Fail” with “The Narrow Corridor” [1]It explains in fascinating detail why it has been so difficult for nations to do what it so obviously takes to enter and stay in the narrow corridor that leads to economic success.

They explain the advantages of the “Shackled Leviathan” when the potential abuse of state power is effectively constrained by an empowered and critical civil society. A state very unlike the “Despotic Leviathan” that maintains essential order but does so at huge disadvantage for a cowered and vulnerable people. China, old and new, is cited as one such example. Another alternative may well be the “Paper Leviathan” an expensive and incompetent government, but only in name not in action. South America provides more than a few hapless cases of governments that serve only the people on their payrolls.

In all the many cases of national failure there is an elite who have a powerful interest in the stagnant status quo – and who resist the obvious reforms that would stimulate and sustain faster growth. Zimbabwe comes to obvious mind.

A&R also examine the potentially suffocating role of the “Cage of Norms” – well entrenched customs- that stultify access to markets and inhibit competitive forces. The caste system in India is still such an inhibitor of economic progress. Traditional land rights are a serious obstruction to producing more in SA.

South Africa, (A&R) argue, entered the narrow corridor that leads to success with the help of Nelson Mandela. They regard BEE as very helpful to economic success because it broadened the political interest in established enterprises and business practice enough to help protect them and the economy against destructive expropriation. That cutting a new elite into business success was necessary for stability and growth.

One wonders how A&R might now react to the revelations about state capture and corruption? And to the failures of the SA state to deliver satisfactory outcomes for the resources made available to it.

This raises an essential question. Will the highly transformed SA elite act in the general interest and encourage the invigorating forces of meritocratic competition for resources and customers? Or will they act to protect their gains and privileges against them?

The new elite should be aware that a failing economy will not be politically acceptable and any elite dependent on it will be highly vulnerable. They should be encouraged by our open and critical society to take the steps to get SA back into the narrow corridor that leads to economic success

[1] Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson, THE NARROW CORRIDOR, States, Societies and the Fate of Liberty, Penguin-Viking, 2019.

An economist’s wish list for 2020

 Examining the state of the SA economy at the end of 2019 – and some suggestions for what the authorities can do to turn things around in 2020


South Africa is near the top of the global league – when it comes to the rewards for holding money, that is. You can earn about 3% after inflation on your cash, with only Mexico having higher real short-term interest rates.

However South Africa is close to the bottom of the global growth league (see below). This is no co-incidence, but the result of destructive fiscal and monetary policies.


Q3 GDP relative to the rest of the world


Source: Thompson-Reuters and Investec Wealth and Investment



Such an unnatural state of economic affairs, namely still very expensive money combined with highly depressed economic activity, has clearly not been at all good for SA business. The average real return on invested capital (cash in/cash out) has declined sharply, by about a quarter since 2012. Companies have responded by producing less, investing less, employing fewer workers and paying out more of the cash they generate in dividends.

GDP at current prices is now growing at its slowest rate since the pre-inflationary 1960s, at about 4% a year. This combination of low GDP and inflation below 4% (yet with high interest rates) automatically raises the ratio of national debt to GDP. And it makes it much harder to collect taxes (the collection rates are well explained by these nominal growth rates). Of further interest is that the actual growth in GDP is falling well below the forecasts provided in the Budget Survey (see figures below).

This leads to an economically lethal combination of low inflation and high borrowing costs (for the government and others).




Only actions by the government that clearly indicate it is heading away from a debt trap (ie printing money and so much more inflation in due course) can permanently reduce expectations of higher inflation and thus bring down long-term interest rates. Debt management is a task for the government, not the Reserve Bank.

The investors in those companies that depend on the health of the domestic economy have not been spared the economic damage. The value of these South African economy-facing interest rate plays (banks, retailers and investment trusts for example) have declined significantly and have lagged well behind the JSE All Share Index.  The JSE small cap index has lost 40% of its value of late 2016. Since January 2017, the JSE All Share Index is down by 7%. However an equally weighted index of SA economy plays is down by 22%.

Top 40 and Small Cap Indexes 2014=100


Source; Bloomberg, Investec Wealth and Investment


JSE All Share Index, Precious Metal Index and SA Plays (equally weighted) 2017=100


Source; Bloomberg, Investec Wealth and Investment


It’s against this worrying backdrop that I offer my New Year wish list for South African  business to be able to transform its prospects and with it the prospects of all who depend on the domestic economy. It is after business which is the most important contributor to the economic prospects of all South Africans.

My first wish is that those in government and its agencies should recognise that without a thriving business sector the economy is doomed to permanent stagnation. They should therefore show more respect for the opinions of business and the policy recommendations they make. Most important, they should interfere less in the freedoms of business to act as business sees fit.

Economic growth is transformational and inclusive. Stagnation is just that: nothing much happens, especially for the poor who are stuck in a state of deprivation from which it is difficult to escape. The opportunities that economic growth provides are a powerful spur to upward mobility – of which poor South Africans are so sorely lacking.

My second wish is that government turns over all wastefully managed SOEs to private control (there are no crown jewels) and in this way improve performance and generate cash and additional taxes with which to reduce national debt. Any sense from government that this might happen would bring long-term interest rates sharply lower and immediately reduce the returns required of SA business and in turn lead to more investment.

A third wish (linked to the second) for business success in 2020 is that government cuts its spending and raises revenues from privatisation, rather than raises tax rates next year. There is no scope for raising tax revenues unless there is faster growth. Higher tax rates will depress economic growth and growth in revenues from taxation still further. The wish is therefore that Treasury knows that only cutting government spending can avert the debt trap and has the authority to act accordingly.

Finally, a wish for monetary policy. South African business would benefit from lower short-term interest rates (notably mortgage rates) under Reserve Bank control. Lower interest expenses would help stimulate the spending of households, which could help get business going. It is my wish for business that the Reserve Bank will do what is most obvious and natural for it to do: to act decisively and urgently when both inflation and growth are pointing sharply lower.






Poverty causes inequality in SA – not the reverse. As the Income Inequality Study reveals – but has great difficulty in acknowledging (StatsSA 2019)

Brian Kantor and Loane Sharp

Kantor is Professor Emeritus in Economics UCT and Head of Research Institute Investec Wealth and Investment. Sharp is Director at Prophet Analytics

The most important question in economics – why some countries remain poor while others grow rich – has been definitively answered. According to the United Nations, between 1990 and 2015 the poverty rate in the developing world dropped from 47% to 14%. More than a billion people escaped poverty over the period.

The unequivocal cause of declining poverty has been strong and sustained economic growth. According to the International Monetary Fund, economic growth in developing countries has averaged 4.9% per annum since 1990. At this rate, with population growth in developing countries now 1.2% per annum and steadily falling, real income per person will more than double over the next 20 years. Poverty, in other words, will be substantially eliminated within a generation.

The primary question having been answered, economists have increasingly directed their attention to a secondary question – why some people within a country remain (relatively, sometimes absolutely) poor while others do much better earning and spending their incomes. It is right and good to prefer that the benefits of economic growth be distributed widely rather than narrowly. But in highly competitive markets, this may not be possible – especially in labour markets, where incomes are driven up by competition between employers, held down by competition between workers for work and ultimately settle at a mutually agreed value for the expected productivity of the employee that differs widely according to skill experience and ability. Yet growth, even when unevenly distributed, generates revenues for government that can be used to provide the most vulnerable with extra spending power and valuable benefits in kind (education housing and medical care) that will add to their income generating capacity and mobility.

In contrast to the global experience, SA’s poverty rate has been stubbornly high and recently rising. According to Statistics SA, 55% of the population is defined as poor, living on less than R11,904 per annum. (current rands) Over the period that real per capita income growth in developing countries averaged 3.7% per annum, SA per capita income growth averaged a mere 0.7% per annum.

While poverty remains high, Statistics SA’s latest inequality report, authored by the Southern African Labour and Development Research Unit (SALDRU) at the University of Cape Town, despite its summary view that income distribution in SA is largely and unhappily as unequal as it has been since 1993, shows in fact, that inequality has declined. In 2006, the top 10% of income earners enjoyed 12.5 times the income of the bottom 40%. By 2015, this Palma inequality ratio had declined to 10.2 – significant progress over a short period of time. In 2006, the top 10% incurred 8.6 times the spending of the bottom 40%. By 2015, the ratio had fallen to 7.9 times – also significant progress over a short period of time.

This seems counterintuitive: how can poverty increase and inequality decline? As we explain below, the middle class, not the poor, have been the primary beneficiaries of government policies. We pretend to care for the poor but often act otherwise, no doubt because it makes political sense. Many of the economic policy interventions of the SA authorities would not pass the Rawlsian test.  That is would the intended policy  be helpful to the economic interests of the least well off 20% of the population?

The distribution of spending is significantly more equal than the distribution of income, thanks to taxes, welfare spending, government services and saving (i.e. spending foregone) largely undertaken by the top 10% of income earners. They who are responsible for almost all the wealth accumulated in SA, and without whom the economy would perform even less well and be even more dependent on foreign capital.

The inequality report rightly concludes that lack of economic growth and lack of job creation are the main causes of poverty and inequality. Unfortunately, the report contains much psychosocial nonsense. An example: “High levels of inequality mean that large segments of a society may be excluded from economic opportunities [since] people who receive the best opportunities are the ones who are the richest, and these are not necessarily the same as the ones who are the most talented or who would make the best use of such opportunities.” In other words, rich people cause poverty. Surely it is poverty not inequality that denies opportunity.

To give another example: “Adding a couple of thousand rand to the monthly pocketbooks of the poor could elevate them above the poverty line and set them on a better life trajectory […] but it doesn’t immediately result in greater equality between the outcomes of certain groups” (emphasis added). In other words, eliminating poverty is unacceptable because, in doing so, white people might get better off.

The global economic experience indicates that the self-interest and creative drive of a tiny group of people – a small number of extremely successful business owners and their high-skilled employees – have sharply reduced poverty and will soon eliminate it altogether. They are the crucial agents of economic growth. Respecting their achievements, tolerating their high incomes and protecting their gains becomes the essential social contract. Redistributing these exceptional gains through progressive income tax and well-directed government spending is a further part of the social contract. Successful economies manage to grow and redistribute – in that order.

It hardly seems worth the effort to conduct a comprehensive survey of inequality in SA every few years when the results are so self-evident as to be nearly worthless. The economy hasn’t grown, unemployment has risen and therefore poverty and inequality remain significant problems. No surprise in that. We should like to know, instead, how economic growth and job creation might be achieved or, indeed, is being frustrated.

We know, of course, what causes economic growth and the attendant benefits of investment, employment, innovation, competition and taxes: business profitability. We know what causes job creation and the attendant benefits of economic mobility, childcare, healthcare, retirement savings and workplace safety: economic growth and the profitable employment of labour.

On the economic growth front, it is therefore alarming that SA companies’ return on assets (gross operating surplus / gross fixed capital stock), having peaked at 17.9% in 2004, will this year likely drop below 10% for the first time in 30 years. If business profitability does not recover, economic growth cannot. Analysis of the financial statements of listed companies reveals a similar decline in the return on capital.

On the employment front, it is alarming that, whereas in the 25 years prior to 1994 an additional 1% of economic growth was associated with a 1.3% increase in employment, since 1994 an additional 1% of economic growth was associated with a 0.2% increase in employment. Even if economic growth occurs, job creation cannot occur if the link between economic growth and employment has been severed.

The causes of economic growth and job creation, and therefore the solutions to poverty and inequality, are well understood. Growth will follow business liberalisation, and jobs will follow labour market liberalisation. Yet the report unfathomably frames these as complex and intractable problems. It surely does help to promote an endless agenda for the favoured consultariat and their flow of proposals to tinker further with the economy.

The report usefully observes that inequality in SA is overwhelmingly related to labour market inequalities: inequality between those who have jobs and those who don’t; inequality between public sector and private sector employees; and, within the private sector, inequality between skilled and unskilled employees.

The labour market is clearly central: incomes from work account for three-quarters of all incomes earned and about two-thirds of overall inequality comes from inequality in earnings. Inequality and poverty and the inability of the economy to grow faster are largely attributable to the failure of the economy to provide more employment.

There are serious problems with the survey methodology that is the basis for the report. Some of the problems are true of all surveys. For instance, people are notoriously cagey about their true income and spending patterns, especially when an individual, completing the survey on behalf of others in the household, may fail to disclose the true picture to other individuals in the household, let alone government enumerators. Other problems are specific to this survey. For example, households are asked to report the spending they actually incurred rather than the value of the goods and services received. Heavily subsidised government school fees are a small fraction of the total cost of education, yet only the minimal out-of-pocket fee is reported as expenditure with no adjustment for the full value of the benefit. Likewise subsidies related to healthcare, housing, electricity, water, sanitation and many other government services are not reflected as de facto benefits at their costs of supply, and the costs of administering government programmes are nowhere accounted for in the estimates of expenditure.


As seen in Figure 4.1.4, income from the labour market is the main source of income, increasing from 73.5% in 2006 to 81.3% in 2009 ( after a brief period of strong GDP growth) before declining to 71.0% in 2011 and then remaining constant between 2011 and 2015. The proportion of social grants to overall household income has slightly fluctuated over the years: the proportion decreased from 6.0% in 2006 to 5.4% in 2015. The share of in-kind income gradually rose from 1.2% in 2006 to 2.4% in 2011 before dropping to 1.7% in 2015. Meanwhile, the share of remittances to overall income fluctuated over the years and reached its highest proportion in 2009 contributing 1.2% to overall income. Figures 4.1.5 and 4.1.6 show the distribution of labour market income and social grants, respectively, by income-decile. From these figures, we observe growing dependence on social grants and declining reliance on labour market income in the bottom deciles. By contrast, in the top deciles there was a much greater reliance on labour market income and less reliance on social grants. Therefore, social grants to some extent contributed to the improvement in income inequality.




Unfortunately, the report does not attempt to explain why these differences exist and persist. Except by extensive reference to race. Do richer SA whites (and the rich of other races) harm or serve the economic interest of SA?  Should the objective of economic policy be to retain their valuable services- or to do better without them in the interest of equality? One suspects that many of those who interest themselves in issues of inequality in SA and many others with influence over economic policy find it very difficult to give an unequivocal response to this question. In other words the economic growth that could lift the 33 million poor South Africans out of poverty would be unacceptable because a few white South African might benefit disproportionately from the process.

The truth is that the government has aggravated rather than alleviated inequality. Incomes of high-skilled people have been boosted by immigration restrictions and emigration. Incomes of low-skilled people have been diminished by uncontrolled immigration of low-skilled people from neighbouring countries. Social grants have raised the reservation wage of low-skilled people discouraging their participation in the labour force, particularly in the rural areas. Government education is so poor that a staggering proportion of enrolees drop out of school, eliminating what chances they might have had of finding work. Extensive protections against especially performance-related dismissals have reduced productivity and raised the risk of employing people who prove not worth their hire.

Given all the obstructions to hiring and firing labour – and all the unintended consequences of poverty relief in influencing the willingness to supply labour – it should be no surprise that the distribution of income in SA is what it is. It is well explained by the political interest in “good jobs” rather than in total employment – especially in the highly indulged public sector – and the support for unions and labour regulations that protect those with jobs at the expense of those seeking work. Slow growth in the number of people employed and the inability of the poor to find work should not be regarded as unintended. It is the predictable outcome of policy choices made by the SA government.

Two other important forces on the income distribution should be recognised. Firstly, the expenditure of households headed by men is significantly higher than spending by households headed by women. In 2015 the average expenditure of the households headed by men was twice as high as of those headed by women. (38180/18406) A very similar ratio (2.1) prevailed in 2006 (27058/12965) (2015 prices). This suggests that female-headed households have only one person working whereas male-headed households have two people working with very similar average incomes per worker. It appears that the important gender gap is related to the presence or absence of a working male in the household.

Secondly, average urban incomes are much higher than rural incomes. The urban/rural divide is even more dramatic. In 2015, on average, urban households spent R40,290 in 2015 and rural households R11,658 – a ratio of 3.5 times. In 2006, this ratio was very similar, 3.7. These expenditure gaps are attributable more to employment opportunities than wage differences. Of the total population, 65.3% are urban and 34.7% rural.

The policy implications of these facts of SA economic life seem obvious: more households headed by men, and more of them established in the urban areas. Social assistance and free housing and utilities that do not distinguish between urban and rural areas makes overcoming poverty through employment ever more difficult, because it encourages rural settlement and unemployment especially now that a national minimum wage is the rule.

In 2006, the top 10% spent 57.2% of all expenditure or 8.6 times that of the bottom 40% with a mere 6.6% share. By 2015, this ratio had declined from 8.6 to 7.9 – less inequality. Yet the share of the bottom 40% remained at 6.6%.  In 2006, the middle 50% had a 36.2% share of all expenditure. By 2015, the expenditure share of the top 10% was down to 52.6%, and that of the middle 50% up to 40.8%, of all spending. Thus, a decline in the ratio (top 10%/middle 50%) from 1.81 to 1.32 times, while the ratio of the spending of the middle 50% to that of the poorest 40% rose from 5.5 times to a less equal 6.2 times. The large gains in the share of expenditure have been realised by the 7th, 8th and 9th deciles whose combined share improved by a full four percentage points.


The redistribution of spending power in SA has been to middle-income earners – not the poor. Perhaps especially to the new members of the upper middle class who are employed by government and its enterprises and institutions. If the economy is to grow faster and incomes and spending power are to be more equally spread, the interests of the poor and the rich will have to predominate in policy settings, much more than they have done to date.


All charts and statistics are sourced from this study: Statistics South Africa (2019), Inequality Trends in South Africa  A multidimensional diagnostic of inequality, Risenga Maluleke, Statistician-General, Report No. 03-10-19


Earning profits, not acting like governments, remains the central task of business

One of my pleasures is to listen in conference to the accounts of great business enterprises, as told by their CEO’s and CFO’s. They seldom fail to impress with their grasp of the essentials of business success in a complex world. One that always contains the threat of competition from close rivals and even more dangerous the disruption of their business models and their relationship with customers from quarters previously unknown.  They are in it for the long run – not the approval  of the stock market over the next few months. Short termism does not make for business success.

They sense the growing opportunity data collection and analysis offers to produce distribute and market their goods and services more efficiently. To scale the advantages of their intellectual property and culture, they must have global reach that inevitably includes managing successfully in China, with all its opportunities challenges and trade-offs. They are well aware of meeting the demands society and its governments may make on them for them to be able operate legitimately. They know they have to play by rules over which may have little influence.

And one senses from them a new urgency about a more  disciplined approach to the management of shareholders capital. Business success and the performance of managers is increasingly measured by (internal) returns on capital employed, properly calibrated, that adds value for investors by exceeding the returns they could expect from the capital market with similar risks.

The business corporation is the key agency of a modern economy. The success of the developed world in raising output and incomes – improving consistently the standard of living is surely  attributable in large part to the design that accords so much responsibility to businesses large and small. The improvement in the average standard of living, and of those of the least advantaged of the bottom quartile of the income distribution (helped by tax payer provided welfare benefits) in what we define as the developed world has been at a historically unprecedented rate over the last 70 years or so. While the rate of economic improvement may have slowed down in the past twenty or ten years it sustains an impressive clip. Over the past 20 years GDP per capita in constant purchasing power parity terms in the largest seven economies (G7) as calculated by the IMF has grown by a compound average 2.8% p.a. Over the past 10 years this growth rate has slowed only marginally to an average of 2.7% p.a.  A rate rapid enough to double average per capita incomes every 26 years or so.


One might have thought that the proven capabilities and potential of the modern business enterprise would enjoy wide appreciation and respect. That is for its ability to deliver a growing abundance of goods and services that their customers choose, many of which thanks to innovations and inventions sponsored and nurtured by business that were unavailable or inconceivable to earlier generations. In so doing to provide well rewarded employment opportunities to so many and to provide a good return to their providers of capital – both debt and share capital. A large majority of whom, directly and indirectly, are not rich plutocrats but are the many millions of beneficiaries of savings  plans, upon which they rely for a dignified retirement.


But this is not the case at all. Even for the commentators in the leading business publications who present a view of the modern economy and its dependence on the corporation as in deep crisis. A sense of  grave economic crisis that given the much improved state of the global economy and of the role corporations play in it that is very hard to share for the reasons advanced.


For example Martin Wolf in an op-ed in the Financial Times (September 18 2019) Why rigged capitalism is damaging liberal democracy Economies are not delivering for most citizens because of weak competition, feeble productivity growth and tax loopholes

To quote Wolf’s conclusion on the reformed role of the corporation

“……They must, not least, consider their activities in the public arena. What are they doing to ensure better laws governing the structure of the corporation, a fair and effective tax system, a safety net for those afflicted by economic forces beyond their control, a healthy local and global environment and a democracy responsive to the wishes of a broad majority? We need a dynamic capitalist economy that gives everybody a justified belief that they can share in the benefits. What we increasingly seem to have instead is an unstable rentier capitalism, weakened competition, feeble productivity growth, high inequality and, not coincidentally, an increasingly degraded democracy. Fixing this is a challenge for us all, but especially for those who run the world’s most important businesses. The way our economic and political systems work must change, or they will perish.”

However much you might or might not share this view of the corporation, a state of being that is not at all apparent in the accounts of the threats and opportunities provided by business leaders- or in their actions as suggested earlier. Particularly when they are seen as rentiers given some guaranteed source of income provided by a conspiracy of protection against competitive threats. You might agree that he would have the leaders of the large modern corporation accept much greater responsibilities for the (apparently) failing human condition – responsibilities that are surely the essential purview of government. It is to ask corporations to achieve much more than they are at all capable of achieving to the satisfaction of society at large. It is to set them up for failure and to threaten the essential role given to them by society

The bad news- it takes a weak rand to keep South Africans at home. There is a better way to attract capital- human and financial

What inflation adds by way of higher prices, revenues or incomes, weaker exchange rates can be expected to reduce their value abroad. If the move in exchange rates was  equal to the difference in inflation rates between SA and its foreign trading partners, the different fields on which we work or play across the globe would be a level one.

Clearly economic life does not work that way. Our rands almost always have bought us more at home than they do abroad – when exchanged at the prevailing exchange rates. The difference between what our rands can buy at home or abroad can be calculated as the difference between the market rate of exchange and its purchasing power equivalent, as determined by the differences in inflation rates.

Since December 2010, when a US dollar cost R6.61, consumer prices in SA have increased on average by 58%. In the US average prices were up by a mere 16% over the same period. If the USD/ZAR had moved strictly in line with the changing ratio of consumer prices in the two economies (168/116 or 1.36) the dollar would have moved from 6.61 rands to 9 rands for a dollar in August 2019. (9/6.61 =136) A weaker exchange rate of 9 rands to the US dollar would have levelled the playing field. (see chart below)

2010 is a good starting point for such a calculation. The rand then was very close to its PPP equivalent were you to use 1995 as a starting point for the calculation. It was in 1995 that the rand became subject to largely unrestrained capital flows. Until then the (commercial) rand traded consistently close to its purchasing power value

The reality is that exchange rates are determined by forces that may have very little to do with actual price changes in the markets for goods and services. They move in response to global capital flows between economies that can dominate the flows of currency rather than to the flows of exports and imports that are price sensitive to a degree.

As a particular economy becomes more risky capital tends to flow away and exchange rates weaken and interest rates rise to balance supply and demand for the local currency. And if the shocks to the exchange rates are sustained, the inflation rate will respond as the prices paid for imported and exported goods in the local currency, increase or decrease- but with a time lag. This time lag determines the degree to which exchange rates diverge from PPP. The exchange rate leads and inflation follows – not the other way round – as theory might have had it. And convergence to purchasing power equivalent may take a long time.

Converting your SA wealth or incomes from rands into the equivalent purchasing power in the US at August month end would therefore have required the following adjustment. That is to reduce the 6.6 dollars received for R100 at market exchange rates by about 60%. This being the ratio 9/15.2 Having to pay only nine rand for a dollar would have been enough to net out the inflation impact. Rather than the R15.2 you actually had to give up for an extra dollar to spend in New York. (9/15.2*6.6 =3.9)

Thus any R100 of spending power in SA would have provided the equivalent of less than 4 dollars of roughly equivalent spending  power in the US. Or in other words what would be regarded as a substantial fortune of R100m in SA would have provided  a mere 4 million dollars of buying power in the US. Perhaps not enough to live well – or not nearly as well – as you could live in SA off your capital.

Consumer prices in SA and the USA and exchange rates (2010-2019)


Source; IMF World Economic Outlook Data Base.  StatsSA, Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis and Investec Wealth and Investment


This purchasing power discount (((6.6-3.9))/6.6)*100= 40% at August month end) is a significant deterrent to the relocation of wealthy and skilled South Africans with only rands to support a life style in the developed world. Mobile younger South Africans, with a life of income earning and saving opportunities ahead of them, could undertake a similar calculation. That is multiply the prospective hard currency salaries they might be offered abroad, when measured in current exchange rates, by approximately 6/10’ths to account for their lesser purchasing power. Earning and saving rands at home (and perhaps investing abroad) might yield improved life-time consumption.

We should be relying more on better economic fundamentals than on an undervalued exchange rate to keep capital at home- especially our most valuable human capital. If South Africa would play the economic growth cards more effectively and reduce its risk premium it would retain and attract more capital on better terms.  The nominal rand could then again approach its PPP value and the cost of borrowing rands (and dollars) would come down with less inflation expected. SA Incomes after inflation could grow at a much faster rate – encouraging immigration rather than emigration of capital and skills.

A vicious cycle of slow growth and low investment can be replaced by a virtuous cycle, if the political will is there

We are well aware that slow economic growth depresses the growth in tax revenues. What is not widely recognised is the influence that tax rates and taxation have on economic growth. The burden of taxation on the SA economy, measured by the ratio of taxes collected to GDP, has been rising as GDP growth has slowed down, so adding to the forces that slow growth in incomes and taxes.


Trends in government revenue, expenditure and borrowing



The GDP growth rate picked up in Q2 2019. But GDP is only up 1% on the year before while in current prices, it has increased by only 4.4%. That is slower nominal growth than at any time since the pre-inflationary 1960s, which is not at all helpful in reducing debt to GDP ratios (something of great concern to the credit rating agencies). This 4.4% growth is a mixture of the slow real growth and very low GDP inflation, now only about 3.5% a year.

Annual percentage growth in real and nominal GDP



GDP and CPI inflation


In the first four months of the SA fiscal year (2019-2020) personal income tax collected grew by an imposing 9.7% or an extra R14bn compared to the same period of the previous financial year. Higher revenues from individual taxpayers was the result of effectively higher income tax rates, so-called bracket creeps, on pre-tax incomes that rise with inflation.

Income tax collected from companies, however, stagnated, while very little extra revenue was collected from taxes on expenditure.  Lower disposable incomes resulted in less spending by households and the firms that supply them. The confidence of most households in their prospects for higher (after-tax) incomes in the future has been understandably impaired.

Treasury informs us that total tax revenue this fiscal year, despite higher income tax collected, is up by only 4.8%, compared to the same period a year ago, while government spending has grown up by 10.3%, or over R51bn. The much wider Budget deficit of R33bn (Spending of R156.6bn and revenue of R123.6bn) represents anything but fiscal austerity. It has added to total spending in the economy, up by a welcome over 3% in Q2 2019 – after inflation.

But deficits of this order of magnitude are not sustainable. Nor can they be closed by higher income and other tax rates that would continue to bear down on the growth prospects of the economy and the tax revenues it generates. A sharp slowdown in the growth of spending by government, combined with the sale of loss-making and cash-absorbing government enterprises is urgently called for if a debt trap is to be avoided. Given that the debts SA has issued are mostly repayable in rand, rands that we can print an infinite amount of, a trip to the IMF and the “Ts and Cs” they might impose on our profligacy is unlikely.

More likely is a trip to the printing press of the central bank rather than the capital markets to fund expenditure. Such inflationary prospects are fully reflected in the interest we have to pay to fund our deficits. These interest payments add significantly to government spending. The spread between what the SA government has to offer lenders and those offered by other sovereign borrowers has been widening.

The SA government now has to pay 8.7 percentage points a year more in rands than the average developed market borrower, ex the US (Germany and Japan included) and 7.6 percentage points a year more than the US has to offer for long-term loans. We also have to pay 3.1 percentage points a year more than the average emerging market borrower has to pay to borrow in their own currencies.

The difference between RSA interest rates and other sovereign borrowers. Ten-year bonds in local currencies


When countries choose freedom, the economic outcomes are dramatically improved

It has proved very possible for average incomes and spending power to improve consistently over long periods of time. In the West economic progress has now been sustained for centuries. Over the past 70 years the improvement in global per capita incomes has been especially impressive as the process of economic growth has been extended more widely.


Download PDF with full article here: Kantor – When countries choose freedom

Dealing with the unpredictable rand–better judgment, not luck called for

The rand (USD/ZAR) has not been a one-way road. Yet SA portfolios are more likely to be adding dollars when they are expensive and not doing so when the rand has recovered.

The rand cost of a dollar doubled between January 2000 and January 2002 – but had recovered these losses by early 2005. The USD/ZAR weakened during the financial crisis, but by mid-2011 was back more or less where it was in early 2000. A period of consistent rand weakness followed between 2012 and 2016 and a dollar cost nearly R17 in early 2016. A sharp rand recovery then ensued and the USD/ZAR was back to R11.6 in early 2018. Further weakness occurred in 2018 and the rand has been trading between R15 and R14 since late 2018. Weaker but still well ahead of its exchange value in 2016. The rand in March 2019, had lost about 20% of its dollar value a year before. It has recovered strongly since and t on July 5th at R14.05, the rand was a mere 4% weaker Vs the USD than a year before


The USD/ZAR exchange rate; 2000-2019 (Daily Data)


Source; Bloomberg, Investec Wealth and Investment


Two forces can explain the exchange value of the rand. The first the direction of all other emerging market currencies.  The USD/ZAR behaves consistently in line with other emerging market (EM) currencies. And they generally weaken against the USD when the dollar is strong, compared to its own developed market currency peers.

When the USD/ZAR weakens or strengthens against other EM currencies, it does so for reasons that are specific to South Africa. Such as the sacking of Finance Ministers Nene in December 2015 and Gordhan in March 2017. These decisions that made SA a riskier economy, can easily be identified by a higher ratio of the exchange value of the rand to that of an EM basket of currencies. The reappointment of Gordhan as Minister of Finance in late December 2015 improved the relative (EM) value of the ZAR by as much as 25% through the course of 2016.  His subsequent sacking in March 2017 brought 15% of relative rand underperformance. The early signs of Ramaphoria was worth some 15% of relative rand outperformance – and its subsequent waning can also be noticed in an increase in the  ratio ZAR/EM.


The rand compared to a basket of emerging market exchange rates (Daily Data)


Source; Bloomberg, Investec Wealth and Investment


This ratio has remained very stable since late 2018- indicating that SA specific risks are largely unchanged recently. Emerging market credit spreads have also receded recently – as have the spreads on RSA dollar denominated debt. The cost of ensuring an RSA five-year dollar denominated bond against default has fallen recently to 1.62% p.a. from 2.2% earlier in the year. The USD/ZAR exchange rate -currently at R14 – is very close to its value as predicted by other EM exchange rates and the sovereign risk spread. It would appear to have as much chance of strengthening or weakening.

The exchange rate leads consumer prices because of its influence on the rand prices of imports and exports that influence all other prices in SA. A weak rand means more inflation and vice versa. And given the Reserve Bank’s devotion to inflation targets, the exchange rate therefore leads the direction of interest rates. Despite a renewed bout of dollar strength and rand weakness in 2018 import price inflation – about 6% p.a. in early 2019 -has remained subdued.

Import and Headline Inflation in South Africa (Quarterly Data)


Source; SA Reserve Bank, Bloomberg, Investec Wealth and Investment


This has helped to subdue the impact of rand weakness against the US dollar that might have brought higher interest rates and even more depressed domestic spending. The dollar prices of the goods and services imported by South Africans has fallen by 20% since 2010 and by more than 10% since early 2018. This has been a lucky deflationary break for the SA economy.


SA Import Prices (2010=100)


Source; SA Reserve Bank, Bloomberg, Investec Wealth and Investment


Given that the rand is driven by global and political forces largely beyond the influence of interest rates in SA, it would be wise for the Reserve Bank to ignore the exchange value of the rand and its consequences. And set interest rates to prevent domestic demand from adding to or reducing the pressure on prices that comes from the import supply side. The SA economy can do better than merely hope for a weak dollar.

The Investment Holding Company. How to evaluate its performance and how to align the interest of its managers and shareholders

The importance of recognising economic profit or EVA

Owners of businesses could set their managers a straight-forward task. That is to earn a return on their capital they will deploy to exceed the returns shareholders could realistically expect from another firm in the same (risky) line of business. If the managers succeed in this way, that is realise an internal rate of return on the projects they undertake that exceed these required or break even returns, they will be generating an economic profit for their owners. They will have created what is now widely known as Economic Value Added (EVA) in proportion to the amount of capital they put to work. EVA=I*(r-c) where r is the measure of the internal rate of return, c is the required return or as it is sometimes described as the cost of capital and I is the quantum of capital invested.

Continue reading the full paper here: Applying EVA to the holding company

The employment effects of National Minimum Wages – the evidence will mount

Over the next few years we will learn much more about the sensitivity of employment in South Africa to large changes in the minimum wages employers are able to offer. What were 124 minimum wage determinations that varied from sector to sector and region to region has been replaced this year by a National Minimum Wage (NMW) of R3500 per month or the equivalent of R20 per hour.

The first evidence of the brave new world of a much improved NMW is now to hand with the Quarterly Labour Force Survey for the first quarter 2019 published by Stas SA. The survey provides no consolation at all for the proponents of the NMW. The number of potential workers increased by 149,000 in the latest quarter while the numbers employed declined by a further 237,000. The unemployment rate (narrowly defined to include only those actively seeking work) increased by 0.9% to 27.6% and when broadly defined to include discouraged workers, the unemployment rate has increased by a further 1% to 38%.

These regulated minimums were initially proposed by a panel of experts appointed to the task in 2016 by then Deputy -President Ramaphosa. The panel recommended the NMW to be set well above what many workers were earning. The poorest quintile of earners (some 16.3m souls) earned an average wage of a mere R1017 per month in 2016. Only 15.9% of these poorest South Africans were employed (mostly part time presumably) and their unemployment rate was 65.8%

Thus most poor South Africans are not employed – despite –rather because of low wages. Given social grants and the extended families it may make very little sense to seek or accept very low paid work- all regrettably that may be available to those without skills and strength. The newly prescribed NMW will not affect many of them – except perhaps to largely eliminate their opportunities to work part-time.

The next poorest 20% (12.9m of them) when employed had average wages of R1707 per month of whom 35.9% were employed and 37.9% unemployed. The somewhat better off third 20% (52% of a cohort of 9m who worked) earned on average only R2651 per month – with an unemployment rate of 21.7%
It is only when you enter the ranks of the remaining 40% of households defined as “non-poor” by the panel, is the average monthly wage of R4751 well ahead of the NMW of R3500. And the broad unemployment rate is a less mind blowing 14.1%. The top 20% of households (6.483m people) are reported to earn an average R13,458 per month and were fully employed with an unemployment rate of 4.8%.

It would seem that the benefits of a higher NMW would be mostly confined to those in quintile 3 (provided they keep their jobs – big if) And the damage in the form of fewer jobs and less part time work would be concentrated in the same group now earning well below the NMW, yet very much part of the labour market.

The panel admitted that they had very little knowledge of the impact on employment. They estimated job losses in a very wide range of 100,000 and 900,000 job losses. They promised to examine the evidence as it presented itself and adjust their recommendations accordingly. One might regard this cavalier approach as irresponsible social engineering.

For a better idea of just how sensitive employment can be to the cost of hiring workers, the panel might have studied the impact of the employment tax incentive – designed to lower the cost of employing young South Africans (under 28 years ) introduced in 2014. And now extended to all workers in the special economic zones. For the details about how very simply to claim the benefits, see SARS’ own resources here and here.
The 2019 Budget Review proudly pointed to how highly effective offering employers a subsidy of up to R1000 per worker has been for employment. In 2015-16, 31,000 employers (disproportionately employers with fewer than 50 workers) claimed the incentives for 1.1m workers with R4.3 billion of tax revenues sacrificed in 2017/18. That is a tax expenditure of a mere R275 per extra worker and over a million of them.

It is a case of the SA government taking away with the one hand- discouraging low wage employment- and then encouraging it with the other- providing significant wage subsidies to reduce the minimums actually paid by employers. Given the wishful thinking about the benefits of “decent jobs” political more than economic- while conveniently ignoring the costs to the many workers not employed- this sleight of hand – is regrettably as much as we should expect from economic policy.

The paradox of paid holidays

Looking forward to the (paid) Easter holidays? Despite appearances to the contrary, you are paying for it.

The Easter holidays are upon us. Many will be enthusiastically taking time off, believing they will be enjoying a “paid holiday”, in other words, enjoying a holiday paid for by their ever-obliging employers. They are wrong about this – especially if they work in the private sector. They will in fact be sacrificing salary or wages for the time they spend not working.

This is based on the simple assumption that there is a consistent relationship between the value they add for their employers and the hours or days spent working – and that therefore they are paid according to the contribution they are expected to make to the output and profitability of the firm. Wages are not typically charitable contributions.

It makes no sense for some employer, the owner of a business, with a natural concern for the bottom line, to pay you for time spent on holiday, or on weekends off or when sleeping or traveling to or from work. They are unlikely to survive the competition if they did not take into account the accompanying loss of production, revenue and profits incurred when their employees are not working.
Those known costs must mean salaries, wages and employment benefits given up by the worker. There are no paid holidays, any more than there are free lunches in the company canteen.

Those paid on an hourly basis and at the end of every day or week will be under no illusions about having to sacrifice income when not working. Many of them might well be willing to work on the Easter weekend if given the opportunity to do so. They may well prefer to consume goods and services other than leisure.

It is those who are paid on a pre-determined monthly basis who may be inclined to believe that they are being paid to go on holiday. They should appreciate that the more time they are expected to take off, or the larger the contributions the employer may be making to medical insurance or pension contributions, training levies and the like, the less they will inevitably be taking home in their monthly paycheque. They are sacrificing salaries so that their employers can better stay in business and offer them employment.

The same bottom line and hence a sense of sacrificing pay may not apply in anything like the same force in the public sector, where the taxpayer picks up the salary, pension and medical aid bill, regardless of its size; where measuring the output of the public employees is not nearly as easy and where performance measures are often strenuously resisted.

European workers typically take many more days off than their US or South African counterparts. It is a widening trend that has evolved only over the past 30 or so years. We are often surprised at how little time the typical US worker takes off. Why is it so that the average US worker consumes significantly less leisure, takes less time off, therefore sacrifices less pay for holidays and consumes proportionately more other stuff that they prefer to pay for?

Is it a cultural difference, or are US workers naturally more hard working than their European or South African cousins? Maybe, but if that’s the case, why have these differences in working behaviour become so much more pronounced in recent decades? (Incidentally, the average number of hours worked per day in Europe and the US does not differ much). The striking difference is in the average number of days worked.

It may be because US workers and their employers enjoy more freedom to choose pay over leisure. Perhaps the regulations that determine compulsory time off for holidays or festivals are by now less onerous on US than European employers (and on formal South African businesses).

Were maximising output and money income and employment the primary objective of policy, South Africa would be wise to adopt the US rather than the European practice: allow the number of days off to evolve (mostly) out of competition for workers, rather than be regulated for them and their employers. And have fewer “paid holidays”.

Finding our way out of the debt trap demands more than monetary policy can offer

The interest payable on the national debt is surely a burden on taxpayers. But it is also as clearly a benefit to those who receive the interest. 

 When the national debt is owned by nationals, the interest paid and the interest earned cancels out, as do the liabilities of the taxpayers and the assets of the SA pension funds, insurance companies banks and South African citizens who have invested in SA government debt. The true burden on the SA taxpayer is the SA government debt held by foreigners.

Foreign investors owned 37% of all rand-denominated debt, R923bn  worth of the R2.49 trillion issued in 2018-19. They also owned all the foreign currency debt issued by the government in 2018, valued at R320bn.  Thus, foreigners own about 50% of all government debt issued (see figure below, taken form the Budget Review 2019 as is the further table that provides detail on the composition of RSA national debt).
1 2
As the table above shows, there is a heavy load for South Africans to have to carry, especially when there is little to show for the debts incurred. This includes productive infrastructure that would add to GDP and incomes to be taxed and would make borrowing worthwhile, should the returns on the capital raised exceed the interest cost of the debt incurred, which has not been the case.  Much of the debt incurred by the government has been used, given insufficient tax revenue, to fund the employment benefits of public-sector employees and other goods and services consumed by government agencies. In essence, it has been raising expensive debt to fund consumption rather than capital accumulation.

More sadly, some of the national debt that has been incurred and used to fund state-owned companies, mostly Eskom, has not even covered its interest rate costs. The Treasury calculates that the difference between the book value of assets of these companies (over R1.2 trillion) and their debts (over R800bn) means their equity capital earned a negative amount in 2017/18. In other words this investment by taxpayers (assets minus liabilities) is now worth nothing at all. Selling off their assets for what they could fetch in the market place would, at worst, reduce the current and future national debt burden. At best, they would provide a superior service to users of these essential services. These private companies, if profitable, could then provide an additional source of tax revenue.

What was paid for the assets is economically irrelevant. The only  relevance is their market value that may or may not exceed the value of the debt incurred. Still, less national debt is better than more.

So, what can be done to reduce the burden of SA’s national debt and the dangers of a debt trap that SA has entered?  One obvious answer would be for the government to borrow at lower interest rates. However, it is not lower inflation that would necessarily reduce the interest paid on conventional government debt.; only lower expected inflation could do this. Lenders demand compensation in the form of higher interest rates for taking on the risk that inflation poses to the purchasing power of their interest income and the market value of their debt. The more inflation that is expected, the higher interest rates will be.

The Governor of the Reserve Bank believes that lower inflation – the result of realising the Bank’s inflation target – will lead to lower inflation expectations and bring down interest rates with it. But the link between realised inflation and expected inflation is not nearly as direct or obvious as the recent behaviour of the bond market and interest rates confirms.  In recent years, inflation compensation in the bond market, the difference in yields offered by a conventional bond exposed to the danger of unexpectedly high inflation, and an inflation-proofed bond of the same duration that offers a real yield, has remained stubbornly high. It has been at about 6%, a number that has not declined in line with lower inflation, which is currently at 4%.

Long-term interest rates, inflation compensation and inflation in SA

The problem for the Governor is that the Reserve Bank is only partially able to control the inflation rate, which is dominated by forces beyond its influence.

The exchange value of the rand, which has a large influence on inflation in SA, follows a course that is independent of Reserve Bank reactions. It is influenced by the sayings and actions of SA politicians. The rand also responds directly to global capital flows that drive the US dollar and emerging market currencies. Prices in SA respond directly to the price of imported oil and the taxes levied on it. The weather, food prices and the Eskom tariff are among other forces that always act on prices, to which the Bank can only react but not influence.

The interest rate reactions of the bank can only influence the demand side of the price equation. Reducing demand with higher interest rates, in the hope of countering the supply side shocks to prices, can depress demand in the economy.

The trouble with slow growth is that it raises the risk that SA may abandon its fiscal conservatism and elect to inflate its way out of its debt, which becomes ever more burdensome with slower growth. Paradoxically perhaps, it’s a burden that also rises with lower inflation. When nominal GDP growth (real growth plus inflation) falls below interest rates, the burden of debt (debt/GDP) increases.

Long-term interest rates and growth in nominal GDP
SA can only hope to reduce the costs of funding its debt and escape the threatening debt trap by convincing the market place that it will not abandon fiscal conservatism. It will take even more than raising taxes or reducing the trajectory of government expenditure to reduce long-term interest rates meaningfully, which are both austere actions that in themselves hold back growth in the short run.

A commitment to the privatisation, rather than the reform, of our failed public enterprises is called for. This will reduce risks to lenders, bring down interest rates and permanently raise the growth rate. It will support the rand and reduce inflation by attracting additional foreign investment and capital.

Without such a change of mind and actions to back them up, the risks of us, sooner or later, inflating our way out of the debt trap will remain. Absent such reforms, our problems will continue to be exacerbated by permanently slow growth, for which the failed public enterprises will bear a large responsibility. Any failure to take this obvious action will keep up the high cost of funding borrowings.

Economic realism – more of it essential

The 2019-2020 Budget proposals have essentially only one objective.  They all take their cue from the disastrous financial and economic performance of Eskom over the past decade. Averting an Eskom default has required an injection of  equity capital of R23b a year for the next ten years- if necessary – by now even more hard pressed South African taxpayers.

The revenue collected by the central government budget is estimated to increase by 9.2%, having grown by 7.4% in 2018-19. Expenditure on a consolidated all government basis expenditure, including the extra spent on supporting Eskom’s balance sheet will be up by 9.6%

When compared to expected inflation of about 5% these represent large real increases and a growing burden on taxpayers, given that the economy is predicted to grow by a mere 1.5% in 2019.  Personal income tax collections are estimated to increase by R55b or 11% in the next financial year. This increase in collections occurs without an increase in explicit income tax rates but with bracket creep. Given inflation linked increases in employment benefits it is the many income tax payers in the lowest brackets who will be paying more. Presuming they also keep their jobs.

There are nearly 6.937 million registered income tax payers who are expected to earn between R79000 and R500,000 of taxable income in 2019-20 out of a total cohort of 7.643 m income tax payers altogether. These many income taxpayers in the lower brackets  will together be paying R100 billion more income tax this year than if full adjustment of tax rates for inflation of wages been made. Total income tax expected in 2019-20 is R554b. The very few 283,000 income tax payers who earn more than R1m, will be expected to deliver R225.6b of income tax or 41% of the total. But bracket creep is much less significant for them, especially for those already paying a marginal income tax rate of 45% – for incomes over R1.5m per annum.

Clearly the judgment must have been that the higher income earners are being squeezed about a far as is practically possible to do without reducing tax revenues collected from them. There are a further 6.369m individuals registered with SARS who fall below the threshold and pay no income tax. They will however pay more tax on the goods and services they can afford. Taxes collected on all goods and service (VAT, Excise taxes and customs duties) are expected to rise by an inflation beating 9.6% in 2019-20.

These are increases in taxes on a very large majority of the population that are surely unlikely to find favour with an electorate going to the polls in May 2019. But having to save Eskom required nothing less than a very austere budget.  Any thought that the investment programmes of the publicly owned enterprises can lead any revival in economic growth  has surely been disabused. These enterprises provide essential services to the economy must be able to provide them on globally competitive terms and be financially stable if the economy is to prosper.  Any continued failure to do so will demand ever higher and unpopular taxes on a slow growing economy. And higher taxes will impeded growth further – as they have done to date. The burdens of slow growth are widely shared as this Budget reveals.

The failure of the public enterprises and the inability of the highly paid SA income earner and taxpayer to compensate for such failures, must surely lead any government, subject to a popular will, to adopt the obvious solution. That is to privatise the operations of the public enterprises on the best possible financial terms consistently with a competitive economy. Private capital and privately business are more than up to this task. The question raised by the 2019-20 SA Budget is just when will such a fully embraced economic realism save the economy- and all who depend upon it

Brulpadda- it could be true game changer for the SA economy

Exploration for oil or minerals is a very risky activity. And when a significant find is made there is the further risk that the terms allowed to the finder may turn out to be unexpectedly adverse. Indeed the larger the resource proved, the more adverse these terms are likely to be.

Any original successful risk taker is hostage to the government where the discovery was made. With any potentially valuable discovery under the ground or water, what was essentially unknown will have become much more of a valuable known. Accordingly the share of the value added allowed to the discoverer can easily become a matter of ex-post negotiation rather than a rule of previously agreed laws.

Exploring for oil or gas in deep turbulent South African waters is surely a particularly risky endeavour. Rules applying to exploration for oil or gas are still to be re-drafted and voted upon. Yet despite all this inherent uncertainty – all the known unknowns – Total and its partners went ahead and explored off our coast. And have discovered what is clearly a significant quantity of hydro-carbons in their concession area. They will be drilling further wells to determine the fuller potential of the gas and oil available for exploitation.

How then should South Africa respond to this fait accompli this new economic opportunity of great potential significance? Surely to maximise the output of oil and gas? Upon which taxes or royalties can and will be levied. But would have to be of an internationally comparable and competitive scale to fully encourage production and further exploration activity.

Given a natural concern for safety and the environment, the business of bring the oil and gas to market should best be governed by no other  consideration than that of maximising output at minimal cost.  What is in prospect, if all goes well, is construction activity on a very large scale undertaken over many years. Drills will be sunk from platforms to be built, served by helicopters and launches with bases and workers onshore. Pipelines will be laid to bring the oil and gas onshore and to extend the net-work to new refineries and their customers in the urban areas.  Much further capital expenditure in oil and gas intensive industry for export and the local market will become feasible off the newly established grids. The economy could take off.

To make the best of what has become possible, minimal consideration should be given to any other potential interests in the resource, other than the general interest in faster economic growth. Interests that might impose themselves on the project managers and the capital providers should be actively disallowed.

It is the case for letting construction companies and those that are free to hire them, to bid competitively for work. Work that they would be free to organise as best they saw fit.  Meaning they would be subject to minimal interference in the form of patronage, crony capitalism, corruption and extortion that has been so expensively and damagingly characteristic of construction activity in South Africa recently. Think of the huge overruns at Kusile and Medupi and the perils of constructing pipelines and roads in Kwa-Zulu where extortion has become commonplace. Or ask any construction company (a declining number) for details of how they have now to do business in SA

The genuine public interest in redistributing the benefits of the project would then be satisfied by the extra revenue generated for government- not by opportunistic rent seeking. And the extra revenue could be well spent for the benefit of the poor in better funded schools and hospitals or cash grants- maybe even lower tax rates. A case of growth and then redistribution- rather than erratic redistribution at the expense of growth. It would represent a true game changer for the SA economy.

South African Foreign Investment – the balance sheets and the income statements. They tell a very different tale

This is a working paper and the final version will replace this after comments have been received. I welcome comment and corrections from readers.

The paper is available here: South African Foreign Investment

Rising pay-out ratios (dividends/earnings) – half full or half empty for the SA economy?

JSE dividends (All Share Index dividends per share) have increased significantly faster than earnings over recent years. The payout ratio (dividends/earnings) that averaged about a steady 40% between 1995 and 2016 has increased to about 60% of earnings. If we leave Naspers, now about 18% of the All Share Index, out of the calculation, the payout ratio is now close to 70% of reported headline earnings. This ratio is unusually high by international and emerging market comparisons.

Since 2012 JSE dividends per share in rands have doubled while reported earnings are only 20% higher than they were in 2012. Share prices are about 100% up on 2012 levels and have tracked dividends more closely than depressed earnings. A value gap between dividend flows and the price paid for these dividends has opened up. Our model of the JSE indicates that the JSE may be  about 15% below its ‘fair value” as predicted by reported dividends  and interest rates (see figure below)

Fig.1 JSE All Share Index, earnings and dividends per share (2012=100)


Source; Ires and Investec Wealth and Investment

JSE dividends and earnings are currently growing at about the same rate of about 13% p.a. and are forecast to sustain growth rates of about 10% p.a over the next twelve months. (see chart below)

Fig.2 JSE growth in All Share Index earnings and dividends per share


Source; Ires and Investec Wealth and Investment


Should shareholders welcome or disdain this higher payout ratio? If a company has prospective returns from its investment programme that exceed its cost of capital, it should retain all the cash it is generating and invest it back into the company on behalf of its shareholders. Shareholders can only hope to achieve lower market related, risk adjusted returns with the cash distributed to them. If the company can beat this opportunity cost of capital, it should not pay dividends or buy back its shares. Indeed in such circumstances free cash flow ( cash retained after capital expenditure) will ideally be negative rather than positive. A true growth company would be well justified in raising fresh equity or debt capital to fund its expansion and be revalued accordingly with sustainably faster growth in mind.

That SA companies are paying out more of their earnings is both good news and bad news for shareholders and the economy at large. The good news is that paying out more is better than undertaking capital expenditure, including mergers and acquisitions, that cannot be expected to beat their cost of capital and add value for shareholders .

The attempts SA companies have made seeking growth offshore have often proved value destroying rather than value adding. Such attempts typically add unwanted complexity to SA businesses and reduce their value. While they may diversify away some SA specific risks, shareholders are fully able to undertake their own diversification investing directly in offshore companies. They do not need SA managers to do it for them and venture outside their area of competence.

The bad news implication of higher SA payouts is that it reflects an understandable reluctance to invest more in what has become very slow growth South Africa. Such a reluctance to invest more in capital or people (also called working capital) while good for shareholders, inevitably reinforces the slow economic growth under way.

The solution to the problem of high pay outs in South Africa is to get growth going again. Companies will then invest more in growing markets for their goods and services and retain more cash to the purpose. They would be doing more good for shareholders, their customers, their employees and the wider economy.

It is unrealistic to expect SA firms to invest more unless the markets for what they produce can also be expected to grow. It is the spending of SA households that determines the path of the SA economy. It is the consumption egg that leads the investment chicken.

Without the stimulus of lower interest rates household spending will remain subdued. We can only hope a stronger rand and consequently less inflation will allow the Reserve Bank to help the economy along – rather than stand in its way.

Inflation of prices and wages – have they had any predictable consistent influence on output and employment in the US since 1970?


21st January 2019


Benign expectations of inflation and interest rates despite low rates of unemployment

The US capital market in January 2019 reveals a very benign view of inflation and of the direction of interest rates. The long- term bond market indicates that inflation is expected to stay below an average 2% per annum over the next ten years. The difference between the yield on a vanilla 10 year Treasury on January 9th (2.71% p.a) and an 10 year Inflation protected US bond that day (0.833% p.a) is an explicit measure of inflation expected in the bond market.  This yield spread gives long term investors in US Treasuries a mere 1.88% p.a extra yield for taking on the risk that inflation will reduce the real value of their interest income. And the Fed is confidently expected not to raise short term rates this year. The money market believed in January 2019  that there was only a one in four chance of the Fed Funds rate rising by 25 b.p. this year. On January 9th 2019, the one year treasury bond yield of 2.59% p.a. was expected to be only marginally higher, 2.66% p.a in five years.  [1]

Are such views consistent with a very buoyant labour market it has been asked?  Unemployment rates are at very low levels, below 4% of the labour force while average earnings are rising at about 3% p.a. These bouyant conditions in  the labour market may portend more inflation and higher interest rates to confound the market consensus.

Fig. 1: The US Treasury Bond Yield Curve on January 9th 2019.


Source; Reuters-Thompson and Investec Wealth and Investment


Figure 2; Unemployment and earnings growth in the US


Source; Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis, Fred data base and Investec Wealth and Investment


The relationship between wages and prices in the US

Do changes in prices lead or follow changes in wage rates in the US? The economic reality is that they both  follow and lead. Both the price of labour – average wages and other benefits per hour of work and its cost to employers- and the price of a basket of goods and services, represented by the CPI, are determined more or less simultaneously and inter-dependently in their market places. As we show below the index of average wages and the CPI are highly correlated. How they interact is not nearly as obvious and may not be consistent enough to make for any convincing evidence of cause and effect- that is from prices to wages or wages leading prices.

The relationship between wages and prices and employment and GDP

Fig.3 Wage and headline inflation in the U.S 1970-2018.3; Quarterly data, year on year percentage changes


Source; Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis, Fred data base and Investec Wealth and Investment


As may be seen in the chart above wage inflation in the US ( year on year per cent changes in hourly earnings) appears to track headline inflation very closely and  vice versa. Wage inflation has been less variable than headline inflation ( year on year change in the CPI) Headline inflation since 1970 has averaged 4.09% with a standard deviation (SD) of 2.95% p.a. while average wage inflation per annum has been a very similar 4.09% p.a, with a lower SD of 2.02% p.a.

We show below a table of correlations of headline and wage inflation at different leads and lags. As may be seen the highest correlations are realized for contemporaneous growth rates. The correlations remain very similar for lags up to 12 quarters and point to no obviously important and reliable leads and lags that could inform any wage plus theory of inflation.


Table 1; Cross-Correlogram of inflation and growth in wages in the US. Quarterly data Y/Y percentage growth (1970.1-2018.3)



Source; Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis, Fred data base and Investec Wealth and Investment



Fig.4 Growth in employment and GDP Quarterly data y/y percentage growth (1970.1-2018.3)


Source; Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis, Fred data base and Investec Wealth and Investment


We show the very close relationship between the growth of payrolls and the growth in the U.S economy in the chart above. GDP has grown on average by 2.77% p.a since 1970 while employment has increased by 1.56% p.a on average since then. The correlation of the two growth series is 0.60 while, as may be seen, employment growth (SD 1.87% p.a) has been less variable than output growth (SD 2.18% p.a) GDP growth very consistently leads employment growth. The lag effect seems strongest at two quarters. The correlation between changes in GDP and changes in employment two quarters later is as high as 0.86.



We show the lag structure in the Cross-Correlogram below


Table 2. Cross-Correlogram of Growth in Employment and Wages in the US. Quarterly data y/y percentage growth  (1970.1 2018.3)


Source; Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis, Fred data base and Investec Wealth and Investment


Why changes in wage rates and prices are so highly correlated

The markets for goods and the markets for labour have the general state of the economy in common. The wages and prices that emerge in the markets for labour and goods and services will be influenced by how rapidly the demand for and the supply of all goods, services and labour may be growing. Furthermore higher wages or prices will in turn restrain demands for labour and other goods and services effecting the observed wage rate and employment outcomes in the labour market.

Changes in prices, wages and interest rates  have their causes (represented in the conventional supply and demand analysis  by leftward or rightwards shifts in the demand and supply curves that cause prices to rise or fall) But any such  shock to prices or wages or interest rates and asset prices will also have effects on demand or supply, as prices move higher or lower. Such effects can be represented by movements along the relevant demand or supply curves.

The essence of any helpful analysis of supply and demand forces at work is to recognize and identify the sequence of events that lead to any new equilibrium price when supply and demand are again in balance . That is to identify the initial causes of a price change, the supply side or demand side shock that gets prices or wages or interest rates moving in one or other direction, and their subsequent effects on prices and the further adjustments made by buyers and sellers to the shocks.  An unexpected spurt of economic growth may well lead to more employment and higher real wages. That is cause a shift rightwards in the demand curve for labour. Higher real wages then serve to ration the available supply of labour under pressure from increased demands.

These higher wages may induce more potential workers to seek employment. Such responses would make the supply curve of labour more elastic in response to higher wages. Thus more worker employed will help offset the initial wage pressures emanating from the demand side of the market .

Supplies of goods and services and capital and labour may also come from abroad to add to supplies and so influence prices on the domestic markets. Trade and capital flows may alter the rate of exchange that, depending on their direction, may add to or reduce the price of imports in the local currency. And exports can add to demands –  so competing with local buyers and to possibly price them out of the local market. It is demand and supply that determine prices and wages. The changing state of domestic demand may not be enough to push prices or wages consistently higher. The final outcomes for prices will also depend on the supply side responses.

Furthermore prices are not simply set as a pre-determined percentage higher than the cost of producing them. Of which the costs of employing workers may be a more or less important part, depending on the labour intensity of production. The state of the economy (demand) and the competition to supply customers will determine how much margin over costs will their way into the prices any firm will charge.

Costs to some firms are the prices charged by their suppliers- including their employees. The distinction between what may be described as costs, or alternatively prices, will be based on the position the buyer or seller occupies in the supply chain. In the very long run prices and the costs of supplying all goods or services offered will tend to converge. The relevant cost to be covered will include the opportunity costs of employing capital as well as labour.

Is it a matter of demand pull or cost push on prices- or is it both – with variable difficult to predict lags between prices and costs or costs and prices? The evidence of wage and price growth trends says it is both as would any full theory of wage and price determination.

Another force common to prices wages and interest rates is the increase in prices and wages expected in the future. The faster they are expected to increase the more workers and firms and investors for that matter will wish to charge upfront for their services.  All this complexity makes any uni-directional wage or cost-plus theory of inflation of very limited explanatory or predictive power.

The Phillips curve – origins and uses.

There is an economic theory known as the Phillips curve, that predicts that decreases in the unemployment rate (increases in the demand for labour) would cause wages to rise faster and for prices and interest rates to follow. The original paper written in 1958[2] was primarily an exercise in innovative, early econometrics. It demonstrated how curves could be fitted to annual data on changes in wages and the unemployment rate. It showed a broadly negative relationship between wage rates and the unemployment rate. The theory was that increased demands for labour- represented by a lower unemployment rate -would lead to higher wages.

The data extended over a long run, 1861-1957. It was collected over a period when the United Kingdom was mostly on the gold standard and when inflation would have been confidently expected to be sustained at very low levels. Of interest is that Phillips in his paper was well-aware of the role variable import prices might play in influencing prices and wages. A force we would describe today as a supply side shock.

It was this theory that Keynesian economists invoked in the sixties to argue that more employment could be traded of for more inflation. The idea was that workers, unwilling to accept the wage cuts that might restore full employment, might be fooled by inflation that surreptitiously reduced their real wages and so  encouraged employment. Employment opportunities that were presumed to be structurally deficient – depression economics that is.

The classical economists regarded the flexibility of wages and prices in the downward direction as the cure for recessions. The extended unemployment of the nineteen thirties appeared to indicate that any reliance on wage and price flexibility to restore full employment was unrealistic. Given that nominal wages were seen as rigid in the downward direction meant persistently high levels of unemployment. That is unless governments intervened to stimulate aggregate demand enough to cause inflation and thereby reduce real wages enough to encourage employment. The implications of the Phillips curve that appeared to trade higher nominal wages for more employment was generalised to imply a tradeoff of inflation for faster growth.

The predictive powers of the Phillips curve

The theory has had very poor powers of prediction- originally of what became high inflation and slower growth in the US and elsewhere in the nineteen seventies. Much higher average rates of inflation of prices and wages in the seventies were associated with much slower not faster growth.  This lethal combination came to be described as stagflation. That inflation was accompanied by slower not faster growth encouraged monetarists with an alternative demand led rather than a wage led theory of inflation. The quantity theory of prices, reconfigured by Milton Friedman, regained its currency. [3]

Any negative relationship between wages and unemployment (increased wage rates associated with less unemployment or more generally more inflation associated with faster GDP growth) in the US is conspicuously absent in the employment inflation wage growth and GDP data ever since the 1970’s and in-between. We demonstrate the absence of any support for the Phillips curve in the charts and tables below.

As may be seen the scatter plots and the regression lines that connect them indicate that unemployment and wage increases and inflation and GDP growth are not related in any statistically significant way.  This is true of the relationship between unemployment (or employment) over the entire period 1970 – to 2018 and sub-periods including more recently between 2000 and 2018 and between 2010 and 2018.  The correlations for the entire period and for sub-periods within them between wage growth and employment growth and between inflation and output growth are close to zero as may be seen in the table of regression results. The scatter plots and their regression lines shown below indicate the absence of any consistently meaningful relationships very clearly.

The table of regression results shown below confirms the absence of any predictable statistically significant relationship between employment and wage growth or between GDP growth and prices or indeed vice-versa. As may be seen the single equation regression equations are almost all explained by their alphas. The goodness of the fits of the regressions are very poor indeed. Their respective R squares that are all close to zero- indicating that the growth rates are generally not related at all.  The betas that determine the slope of the regression lines are of small magnitude and most do not pass the test of statistical significance at the 95% confidence level – and some that do, for example equations 6 and 11, indicate that the relationship between wage growth and employment is a negative rather than a positive one. The presence of serial correlation in the equations as demonstrated by the Durbin-Watson (DW)statistic indicates that these betas may well be biased estimates. It would seem very clear that there is no trade-off between wage and price growth and the growth in output and employment in the US. Any forecast hoping to predict inflation via recent trends in wage rates or employment would be ill-advised to do so, given past performance.


Fig.5; Inflation and growth in real GDP Quarterly Data Growth year on year. Scatter Plot and Regression line (1970.1 2018.3)


Source; Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis, Fred data base and Investec Wealth and Investment



Fig 6: Growth in wages y/y and the unemployment rate 1970.1 2018.3 Scatter Plot and regression line


Source; Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis, Fred data base and Investec Wealth and Investment



Fig.7; Growth in wages and growth in employment (1970,1 2018.3) Scatter Plot and regression line


Source; Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis, Fred data base and Investec Wealth and Investment



Fig.8; Inflation and growth in GDP (1970-79) Scatter Plot and regression Line


Source; Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis, Fred data base and Investec Wealth and Investment


Fig 9; Growth in wages and unemployment rate (2010.1 2018.3) Scatter Plot and regression line


Source; Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis, Fred data base and Investec Wealth and Investment


Table 2; Regression results


[4] The data is downloaded from the St Louis Federal Reserve data base Fred. The data is quarterly and seasonally adjusted and all growth rates have been calculated by Fred and downloaded into Eviews. Eviews was used to run the regression equations and construct the charts. Wages were represented by average hourly earnings of production and nonsupervisory employees in the private sector. (AHETP) Employment by Total Nonfarm Payrolls (PAYEMS) The unemployment rate (UNRATE) is the civilian unemployment rate. The GDP and CPI have their conventional descriptions


Not inflation- only unexpected inflation has real effects on output and employment

That is because firms and workers build inflation into their wage and price settings. Much faster inflation in the seventies did not come to surprise workers and did not mean lower real wage costs for the firms that hired them. Moreover prices rise faster as they did in the seventies,  as the oil price rose so dramatically, when Middle East producers exercised their newly found monopoly power to restrict supplies. Negative supply side shocks that raise prices and reduce demand will complicate the relationship between price and wage changes.

A larger positive supply side shock for the global economy that caused downward pressure on prices was the entrance of China and Chinese labour and enterprise into the global economy. It brought a very large increase in the supply of goods- especially of manufactured goods. This addition to supplies at highly competitive prices lowered the prices established producers outside of China have been able to charge and forced many of them out of business.

The challenges for the economic forecaster

It is possible to build more complex multi- equation models that incorporated lags between GDP growth and employment growth and between changes in prices and wages to hopefully forecast inflation and growth. That is consistently with economic theory combined supply and demand forces and their feed-back effects with due importance attached to inflationary expectations and how they are established. If the feed-back effects however accurately identified are themselves of variable force through different phases of the business cycle the estimates of the equations are unlikely to deliver statistically meaningful results.

The accuracy of such forecasts will depend not only on the internal logic of the equations estimated, but on the assumptions made about the forces outside the model. The predictive power of such models must be tested out of the sample periods over which the coefficients of the model were estimated. Forecasters inside and outside of central banks have every incentive to make accurate forecasts of inflation, growth, interest rates and asset prices. The ability of any of these models to consistently beat the market place has to date never been obvious. And were they so able the market itself would become less volatile.


Inflationary expectations and the reactions of central bankers[5]

The importance of inflationary expectations in the determination of the price and wage level has much impressed itself on central bankers. They recognized that there was no output or employment benefit to be gained from more inflation. That only unexpectedly higher inflation might stimulate more output- and unexpectedly low inflation will do the opposite. The central bankers have come to understand that their ability to surprise the market and their forecasts is very limited. Given that is the importance workers (trades unions)and firms with price or wage setting powers would attach to predicting inflation as accurately as possible. They do so in order to avoid the potential income-sacrificing consequences of underestimating or over estimating inflation. Underestimating the inflation to come would mean setting wages and prices below where market forces might have justified. Overestimating inflation might mean wages and prices having to reverse direction with a consequent loss of output and employment. Successfully second -guessing central bank action that helps determine the rate of inflation is an essential ingredient for successful market makers.

When the surprises are revealed they will come with losses of output and employment as the market adjusts or in the case of surprisingly rapid inflation exchange rate weakness and higher interest rates will follow. Dealing with such surprises adds volatility to prices and asset prices. A risky environment discourages savings, inward capital flows and investment and reduces potential output and its growth.

Thus central bank wisdom is that they should avoid as far as possible inflation shocks and associated monetary policy actions that might surprise the market place. Rather they have come to understand that their task is offer the market place a highly predictable and low rate of inflation in the interest of permanently faster growth rates. Hence inflation targeting.




A South African post-script

This is the objective of the SA Reserve Bank -enshrined in our constitution – as we have been well reminded recently. But success in achieving balanced growth does demand more flexibility than the SA Reserve Bank has demonstrated. The flexibility to recognize that powerful and frequent supply side shocks to inflation – exchange rate, oil price and food price shocks call for very different interest rate responses than when demand is leading inflation.

Alas demand led inflation has been conspicuously absent in recent years. Wage increases in SA therefore explain unemployment not inflation. Accurately forecasting inflation in SA – better than the Reserve Bank has been able to do – means anticipating the exchange rate and the oil price and rainfall in the maize triangle. A near impossible task it may be suggested. Eliminating demand led inflation ( policy settings that attempt to balance domestic demand and supply) rather than directly aiming at an inflation rate that is largely beyond its control is a much more realistic and appropriate task for the SA Reserve Bank. And the market place can fully understand these realities. Inflation forecast and so inflationary expectations in SA will be rational ones.

























[1] By Reuters-Thompson interpolating the yield curve that is reproduced here








[2] A.W.Phillips, The relationship between unemployment and the rate of change of money wage rates in the United Kingdom, 1861-1957,Economica vol 25 (19580 pp 283-99

[3] My own interpretation of the analytical disputes of the time can be found in my Rational Expectations and Economic Thought, Journal of Economic Literature, Volume XV11 9December 1979),pp  1422-1441 it referred to the pioneering work on the role of expectations in macro-economics  of Milton Friedman (1968) and Edmund S.Phelps (1967 and 1970)


[5] See my, The Beliefs of Central Bankers about Inflation and the Business Cycle—and Some Reasons to Question the Faith, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance; Volume 28, Number 1, Winter 2016